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the most important person on earth pdf

It is life-giving and requires tremendous amounts of sacrifice and selfless love. The words I have spoken to you are spiritand they are life. 219 This concept is familiar to us from everyday life. Lets review what happened when the Spirit was pouredout on the day of Pentecost: When the day of Pentecost came, they [the one hun- dred twenty followers of Jesus at that time] were all together in one place. Yet you live out theI also understand what it means kingdom live in an independent nation,having eagerly followed our tran-sition to self-government as a young person. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon, [{"displayPrice":"$8.49","priceAmount":8.49,"currencySymbol":"$","integerValue":"8","decimalSeparator":".","fractionalValue":"49","symbolPosition":"left","hasSpace":false,"showFractionalPartIfEmpty":true,"offerListingId":"CjGLSETv9rCrU3pu93xALzZn9wDbgHFVpM0zvwwr7bccBhkUTfqhKfwKcJ0XWVC2aFx28EUZlviy%2B%2B76UEnYJdhArPPyzHu9vfUZuE5Emtgoy2vwLF6hyGT6YBMe7IsuQxIbzTzEIR0M11sW7b0oAsEYKRlKVjSgTl0g4rFy1ZnWC4tbvffMtT%2FeV9v%2BNp1N","locale":"en-US","buyingOptionType":"USED"}]. sea. Because Jesus completed the work of restoration, the glory(nature) of the kingdom of heaven was released and began tospread throughout the earth.122 I am the bread of life. In the Old Testament accounts we reviewed in the previ-ous chapter, we saw that what we call miracles were actuallyevidence of kingdom influence on earth. Some people wish they could go back to the day Jesusdied and prevent his death. Or he may give a heavenly languagethat is unknown on earth. My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working. The Anointing.pdf by Benny Hinn 6. Hemet it face-to-face and submitted to it. I would not have known him, except that the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God. John made these declarations about Jesus: (1) he was theone who would take away the sin of the world (making it pos-sible for the citizens to be fully aligned with the heavenly king-dom); (2) the Spirit came down from heaven and remained onhim (Jesus had the total sanction of the King-Father); and (3)he was the Son of God (he came directly from the King-Fatherand was one with him). For example, I was recently ministering in Ukraine, wheretwenty thousand people had gathered in an auditorium. The spiritual nutrientsthat enable the fruit to grow in our lives are maintaining acontinual connection with the King, learning the Constitutionof the kingdom, which is the Scripture, and yielding to thedirection of the Governor in our lives.Just as apples are a natural outgrowth of apple trees, thefruit of the Spirit becomes a nat-ural development in the life of The King-a kingdom citizen because he is Fathers culture isreflecting the nature of his King.For example, one of the fruits of characterized bythe Spirit is goodness. With tongues, were not speaking with ourminds but through our spirits, and the Spirit communicatesevery need. Please try again later. The rebellion of human beings, therefore, damaged theirunity and communication with God and one another until theKing-Son could put them back in the position to reconnectonce again through the Governor. Parthi- ans, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, 237 Thats why I pray in tongues much of the time.I love praying in tongues because my prayers dont have to betranslated. I would even conclude that speaking in tongues is notreally an option for a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. Jesustold his disciples, Let your light shine before men, that theymay see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. The Gifts of the Spirit: The Power of Kingdom Culture When the Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost,kingdom citizens were given the Governors power, with vari-ous kingdom abilities, to promote kingdom culture on earth.222 Includes initial monthly payment and selected options. This is why, generally, all the English-speaking people group together, all the French speakers staytogether, all those who speak Spanish join together, and so on.Language creates differences, and differences can create feel-ings of competition, pressure, and conflict. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes! Likewise, as we haveseen, the Holy Spirit communicates only what comes from theheavenly throne. Our experience does not often meet our dreams anddesires, however. This would allow Lucifer 109 Now that he has been poured out, he can be all over theworld at the same time. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. The governor made sure that every subject of the king-dom took on the kingdom culture in language, attitude, dress,food, and so forth. That connection was the very Spirit of theSovereign living within humanityhis Holy Spirit. Confounding humanitys language was the King-Fathersway of protecting us until he would one day restore our unity 235 RSY9YM9RXE > The Most Important Person on Earth: The Holy Spirit, Governor of the. Consider The chaotic aftermath of a presidential assassination attempt. The King-Father is not in the business of controlling hiscitizens. I am referring to the Creator extend-ing himself to us in personal interaction, a Person-to-personcommunication. the Dean and Chapter of Westminster PDF. The transformation of ourlives is possible because Jesus is no longer physically on earth. If a man from Haiti spoke a psalm in Creole, he wouldntmake any sense to us, but he would make sense to people inHaiti. The New Testament book ofJohn records,The next day John was there again with two of his dis-ciples. Jesus death on the cross at the place called Calvary(meaning Skull) was the plan of the Father to provide forthe return of the Governor. As a planetunder siege, we need help from a higher authority, help froma greater world that has the ability to address our needs. Governors were never chosen from the indigenous peoplesof the colonies. He is the highest authority in that colony.The Premier, however, is an elected official, approved by theCrown, who heads the local government. 3. represent the values, morals, and manners of the home country. For over thirty years, he has trained tens of thousands of leaders in business, industry, education, government, and religion. I therefore want to present to you, step-by-step, how thepractical working of the kingdom life answers essential ques-tions about our human existence, purpose, and fulfillment.We have approached our personal goals and problems, as wellas our national and global crises, from many vantage points,but not often from this perspective. No. The curtain in the temple sepa-rating the people from the Holy of Holies tore in two fromtop to bottom, signaling that Jesus had made provision forhuman beings to be holy and receive the Spirit once more.The Spirit no longer had to be separated from them, dwell-ing only between the cherubim on a mercy seat that had beensprinkled with the blood of animals. I use theword spirit because rebellion is really an attitude or naturewithin every human being. Developed a cure for rabies and other infectious diseases. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues [languages] as the Spirit enabled them. And Jesus did break experience life.this power, allowing the earthsinhabitants to instead yield tothe Holy Spirit. Used by permission of Zondervan. Therefore, the Governor gave the King-Son to the earth so theKing-Son could send the Governor to the earth after he returned tothe heavenly kingdom. Paul taught the first-century kingdom citizens that ministry spiritual gifts, in con-trast to personal spiritual gifts, are for the building up of allthose in a local gathering of kingdom citizens. It is there- love, joy, and peace.fore natural for us to be good ifwere in the kingdom. The Governor is thepresence of the absent King. This Website Is Dedicated To Carlo Acutis, SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST TODAY Don't IGNORE, Book Free PDF The Power Of Character In Leadership Myles Munroe (Download), Book Free PDF The Fatherhood Principle Myles Munroe (Download). Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Yet the King-Son was totally loyal to the kingdom. Similarly, the Holy Spirit regularly brings us The Speechfrom the Heavenly Throne as we set aside the busyness of lifeto listen to him. It could be said thatculture is contained in language, because it shapes it. The most important person on earth : the Holy Spirit, Governor of the Kingdom / Myles Munroe. Paul of Tarsus, the first-century theologian,defined this concept as invisible or unseen: Since the creation of the world Gods invisible quali- tieshis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made. Therefore, the royal governorwas the presence of the absent king in the colony. The God who created the whole worldand all its oceans, lakes, and rivers had to ask someone else fora drink of water. And the LORD was with him; he was suc- cessful in whatever he undertook. I love Myles Munroe as an author. been distorted in us because of our former association with thekingdom of darkness. the large and growing number of books on the self-help shelves in bookstores. Our connection with the King throughthe Governor helps to keep our minds and actions pure. In general, all his companies are futuristic and have already made certain impact globally. The public loves TV programs such as Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Deal or No Deal, Survivor, and especially American Idol. The cultures of all these islands are distinctlycharacteristic of the countries that claimed them. We haventstopped to recognize our internal programming, or to read ourlife manual in order to understand our personal potential orhow we work. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. If we could identify that person, and he came to earthto solve all our problems, he would naturally be called themost important person on earth. The Governor was resi-dent in the body of Jesus until the rest of humanity could beprepared to receive him as well, through Jesus provision. John had been gaining a number of disciples, and whenpeople came to him with a sincere desire to repent (to changetheir thinking and lifestyle from the kingdom of darkness tothe kingdom of heaven), he baptized them. The virgins name was Mary. The Governors Culture .. 209 Part 4: The Role and Impact of the Governor12. His arrival occurred on the dayof Pentecost, which means fiftieth in Greek.2 Pentecostwas a harvest feast held on the fiftieth day after the Passoverfeast. it was writtern very perfectly and beneficial. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. The Most Important Person on Earthand communication with him and one another through thereturn of the Governor. As John the Baptist said, Godgives the Spirit without limit [to him]. This was the first timea human being was filled with the Holy Spirit since before therebellion of Adam and Eve. Heaven is the original kingdom; it was the origin ofkingdoms. Itssomething were born with; it is In the kingdom ofingrained within us. They were not ends in themselves. The nature ofthis kingdom speaks directly to this need. Returning to ourdefinition of kingdom, we can say that the invisible kingdomis the governing influence of God over the territory of earth,impacting and influencing it with his will, his purpose, and hisintent. He is the only one who can connect us to the King and,through us, dispel the kingdom of darkness with his kingdomof light. Tongues, therefore, are given forrenewing the lives of individual kingdom citizens and enablingthem to exercise power for kingdom purposes.Is It Necessary to Speak in Tongues to Be aKingdom Citizen? 25 He prompts us, but he never forcesus. For John baptized with water, but in afew days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.Butyou will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes onyou; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and inall Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.Jesus had already breathed the Spirit on his disciples. Under the guidance and enabling of the Holy Spirit, you can learn how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God's . He wants thecapacity to control what he eats, where he lives, what he drives,and how he will conduct his life. Jesus told him, My grace issufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.Pauls response was to say, When I am weak, then I am strong[in the power of the kingdom]. The key, then, to being freed from the grip of rebellion,restored to wholeness and devotion to the King-Father, andreleased in the power and life of the Spirit is to acknowledge124 A Kings Love for His Citizens submitted to physical death so we could have eternal life. Everything else was a means tothat end. He also toldthem that, after he had returned to the Father, the Governorwould continue to train them because being transformed intothe culture of the kingdom is an ongoing, lifelong process. The Power of Influence5. The king actually, personally owns the country,including the people. Therefore, it is the Governor who convictsthose outside the kingdom that they need to be forgiven andconnected to their Father in the heavenly government. Doing sofeels uncomfortable and unnatural. The greatest desire and pursuit of all humankind is the power to achieve this dream.We all want power, which is the ability and capacity to controlcircumstances and destiny. I DORE DR MYLES BOOK.ALL HIS BOOKS ARE WRITTEN UNDER THE ANOINTED OF GODHE WAS A TRUE MAN OF GOD. Only humanblood could make restitution for the rebellion and bloodshedof humanity. Tongues were given to kingdom citizens to assist them inkingdom purposes, and we are still living in a time when weneed this assistance on earth. The Most Important Person on Earthto speak in German, I didnt understand a word anymore andI felt more like a stranger again. The separation involves some painful winnow-ing, but it is for our benefit. The Rebirth of a Kingdomto a large degree, this was the significance of the baptism ofJohn, which John referred to as a baptism of repentance.Our contemporary connotation of the word repentance doesntreally convey Johns meaning. There is a continuous tug-of-war between the one objects tendency to move in a straight line and the tug of gravity pulling it back.2 The universe exists in remarkable balance. No kingdom existed before it, and nothing naturalcan be adequately compared to it. But the angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. The angels statement, You have found favor with God,shows us that Mary was yielded to the heavenly governmentand the purposes of the King, and this is why she was chosenfor this crucial assignment in the intervention of the heavenlykingdom on earth. The role of a mother is essential in every way. These men are not drunk, as you suppose. Paul of Tarsus attempted to communicatethis divine process of creation and extension when writing topeople in the city of Colossae: By him all things were created:things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whetherthrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were cre-ated by him and for him. The kingdom of heaven and its colony of earth existthrough the will of our Creator-King. The Most Important Person on Earth The devil knows that he is in trouble when we start speak-ing in tongues. 6.Partnership: The governor was effectively the kings part- ner in rulership. Summary: " Explores how the Holy Spirit is the most important Person on earth because he is the presence and power of heaven in the world, bringing true life and transforming individuals, societies, and nations"Provided by publisher. Paul likewise wrote, The man without the Spirit doesnot accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, forthey are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them,because they are spiritually discerned. Without the Gov-ernor, we can never recognize what has been placed deepwithin us. Yet when Jesus wentto him for baptism, John was taken aback and said, in essence,You should be the teacher, not me! John recognized Jesus asthe King who would send the Governor to earth. so that the Most Important Person On Earth PDF Online book I can download and read directly on my mobile phone. Nei- ther can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. His secretary ofstate was criticized for his hasty choice of words, Im in controlhere, because he wasnt next in the line of presidential succes-sion. Return to Manufacturer Wouldnt it be wonderful if all human beings were bornwith manufacturers instructions tied to their wrists, explain-ing who they are and how they work? The Concept of the Supernatural The word supernatural does not exist in Scripture, but itdoes describe a concept clearly presented there. Different languages, and thecultures they create, inevitably promote misunderstandingand disunity, and it isnt possible to change this fundamentalissue, even through well-meaning organizations. As I quotedearlier from the writings of Paul, In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. The Scripture tells us that the Governorknows the mind and will of God. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. Many people seek the powerwithout realizing how critical it the for them to develop the essen-tial qualities of the kingdom at the same time. Hecountered Lucifer's temptation by rebuking him with the wordsof the King-Father, which were first given to the Israelites afterthey came out of Egypt. Jesus was saying, in essence,What you see is what the heavenly government is doing. For his ability to know and communicate the mind of the king. No matter what happens in our lives,we still live out and exhibit all these qualities. turned the whole school over to Jesus; he released his disciples to him, indicating that Jesus wasthe one they should follow because he was the King who wouldrestore them to the kingdom. Therefore, when some kingdom citizens dont under-stand the value of the gift of tongues and have not received it,then conflict and misunderstanding inevitably occur betweenthem and other kingdom citizens, and this is regrettable. A Back Room in Somers Town PDF Online. And theGovernor is your private teacher, enabling you to internalizeand manifest the teaching of the King. Whether we understood or agreed with them,the languages would still be authentic. The Most Important Person on Earth-Myles Munroe 2007 "This study guide to The Most Important Person on Earth: The Holy Spirit, Governor of the Kingdom is designed for personal application to give readers a deeper understanding of why the Holy Spirit is the key to their purpose and fulfillment on earth"--Provided by publisher. Do all speak in tongues? All these are examples of individuals enlarging their per-sonal influence in the world. 124 writers online. Paul wrote King lives.that we no longer live underlaw. In other words, our trying tofollow strict dos and donts doesnt work. Hardcover. Jesus had to be a partand message and of Johns school in order to takesubmit to him as over leadership of it. This Most Important Person On Earth, as one of the most working sellers here will unconditionally be in the midst of the best options to review. The Rebirth of a Kingdomwill be called the Son of God.For nothing is impossiblewith God. I am the Lords servant, Mary answered.May it be to me as you have said. Again, we see evidence of Marys submission to the heav-enly government: I am the Lords servant.May it be to meas you have said.In this passage is a fact of vital significance: the Spiritconceived God the Son or the King-Son, whose earthly namewas Jesus, in the womb of Mary.Mary was what we might call a The King-Son wassurrogate mother for the eternaland invisible Gods entrance into fully divine and fullythe physical world as a human human, yet notbeing. An evidence that we are connected to the home country isthat we receive heaven-given languages.2. The central theme of his message is the maximization of individual potential, including the transformation of followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change.Dr. The Rebirth of a Kingdomthe Governors presence and power operating in the lives of theKings children. It showed that the not just see it. Manifesting Kingdom Culture The Governor provides us with heaven-given languages sothat, along with other communication, it becomes possible forus to express our crucial needs and requests to the King.A Sign We Are Connected with the King When Jesus followers first spoke with new tongues asthe Holy Spirit was poured out upon them, it was a sign tothe thousands of people gathered for the feast of Pentecostthat these disciples were connected to the heavenly kingdom.As Paul taught, Tongues, then, are a sign, not for believersbut for unbelievers; prophecy, however, is for believers, not forunbelievers.An Evidence of Our Citizenship in theKingdom There is an incident in the book of Acts where the HolySpirit was poured out on new kingdom citizens in the city ofCaesarea as Peter was explaining the gospel of the kingdom tothem. Ahab also made an Asherah pole and did more to provoke the LORD, the God of Israel, to anger than did all the kings of Israel before him. The kingdom of God is theinfluence of that country on its territories. He lives in people of all races and skincolors. When the King-Son be with them told his followers he was leavingcontinually, in all earth to go back to the King- situations. The Governors words will never disagree withthe Kings words or bring a message that is contrary to them.He will remind us of what the King has already said and whathe desires, and he will also speak prophetically of the futureof the kingdom.Sanctifier Paul wrote to the first-century kingdom citizens in the cityof Thessalonica, From the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. To Keep Our Pr ayers in Line with theKings Will Praying in tongues will keep our prayers in line with Godswill and prevent us from praying in selfishness. Once again, we can see why the key to bringingback kingdom culture to earth is the Governor. Themanner in which a person serves on behalf of another person,business, or institution inevitably contributes to the perceptionwe have of that person, business, or institution. In this way, the kingdom not onlyextends its power, but it also expands the influence of its verynature. They should look atour behavior and be able to say, You come from the heav-enly kingdom. Jesus said, By their fruit you will recognizethem. Being in the kingdom is a matter of dynamic changeinto the nature of the King. the Father was the reappointment of the Spirit as a result of these things. They see that youve stopped doing things thatare against the heavenly kingdom. (Of course, even if wedid, most of us would probably skip the instructions and try tofigure out life as we went along!) First, lets consider the logistics of it. We would have to sweep the roads, clean the lampposts, andplant trees and flowers. Hewanted to express the qualitiesand characteristics of the King The key to ato thoroughly acquaint them successful kingdomwith their benevolent Ruler.The whole idea of knowing is the goodthe nature of the King is critical character of its Jesus statement, The king-dom of heaven is near. He isinviting us to become citizens of a specific kingdom, and hewants to reassure us of the nature of this kingdom.The Qualities of the Holy Spirit: Growing Kingdom Culture Paul desired to instill the nature of the heavenly kingdomin the lives of its first-century citizens, who were learning what 213 All emphasis in the Scripture quotations is the authors.THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON ON EARTH:The Holy Spirit, Governor of the Kingdom Dr. Myles Munroe Bahamas Faith Ministries International P.O. Do all interpret? established to influence the territory for the home govern- ment. This is the one I meant when I said, A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me. I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptizing with water was that he might be revealed to Israel. Then John gave this testimony: I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. Kingdom is thus the perfect example of the divine, creativeact of the Creator. As the wiseKing Solomon wrote, As a person thinks within himself, sohe is. This process of transformation into kingdom thinkingand lifestyle is absolutely necessary because the Creator-Kinghas declared this about the rebellious inhabitants of earth:My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your waysmy ways.As the heavens are higher than the earth, so aremy ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your116 Eternity allowed itself to belimited within time, so that those in time could be reconnectedto the eternal kingdom.Limited Himself under Law Paul wrote, When the time had fully come, God sent hisSon, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those underlaw, that we might receive the full rights of sons. The law ofMoses and the sacrificial system had been instituted for thosewho were disconnected from the King. Do all have gifts of healing? Luke the physician, the writer of the gospel bearing hisname, wrote, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Gali- lee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendent of David. This means that, if I want to pass alongmy values, beliefs, and family traditions to my children, I haveto be able to communicate with them in a common language.Language therefore preserves family heritage throughoutgenerations. The physical Jesushad only two hands with which to bless children and breakbread for the hungry and relieve the sick. If he was inJerusalem, he couldnt be in Bethany. As we readin the third book of Moses, The life of every creature is itsblood. Like Adam before the rebellion, Jesus and everythingabout him was set apart and devoted to the King-Father. # Doc You May Also Like The Poems and Prose of Ernest Dowson [PDF] Follow the link below to get "The Poems and Prose of Ernest Dowson" PDF document.. Book Jungle. We are followers of Jesus when we have decided to identifywith the life and message of the King-Son and submit to himas our Master Teacher. Jesus said that, under the Governors direction, we areto go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in thename of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, andteaching them to obey everything [Jesus has] commanded.In this way, the prophecy will be fulfilled. Lets take a closer look at the ways in which the King-Sonlimited himself for our sakes.Limited Himself from Glory In a letter to the followers of Jesus in Corinth, Paul wrote,For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that thoughhe was rich, yet for your sakes he become poor, so that youthrough his poverty might become rich. The King-Son emp-tied himself of his heavenly power, glory, and riches to live asa physical, earthly being dependent on the King-Father foreverything through the Spirit. Weve made the pro-earth, human beings cess the purpose. Its the systembased on the kingdom of darkness that influences the behav-ior of humans. In his letter tokingdom citizens in Galatia, he made a list of essential quali-ties that make up the character of the King: Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control Any true manifestation of the kingdom of God on earthwill have these characteristics. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slavejust as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.In this way, and in many other ways, Jesus kept trying toteach them that the kingdom of God was radically differentfrom the kingdom of darkness they had been living under.

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the most important person on earth pdf