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research data management survey

As they assess the factors that may be hurting U.S. workers, people say the greatest harms to American jobs are outsourcing (80% believe outsourcing hurts American workers) and imports (77%). Everyone who took part in this survey is a member of Pew Research Centers American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. Some commenters expressed concern that the draft Policys standards for consent are more restrictive than other rules governing human subjects protections including the Common Rule27 and revisions proposed to the Common Rule in a 2011 Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making (ANPRM).28 Some commenters sought greater clarification regarding regulatory differences or the regulatory basis for the draft Policys protections. Some commenters pointed out that the Policy was not clear enough about the conditions under which NIH would grant an exception to the submission of genomic data to NIH. 26. 15. 2. Citations should include software used in the research following the, why there are any restrictions on data access. Several commenters were particularly concerned that no additional protections were specified for these populations, and a subset suggested that research subject to the GDS Policy that involves these populations should be entirely exempt from the Policys expectations for data sharing. Acceptable justifications for restricting access may include legal and ethical concerns, such as third-party rights, patient privacy, and commercial confidentiality. NSF 13-336 | September 24, 2013, InfoBriefs | See In the meantime, the average hourly wage of workers in jobs in which physical skills are important increased only 7%, from $16 in 1990 to $18 in 2015. A study by Parsons et al. Chapter 2 looks at public assessments of the job situation including how key characteristics of work have changed from a generation ago and what the future may look like, the extent to which megatrends in the economy are helping or hurting todays workers, who bears the greatest responsibility for worker readiness these days, and which skills are most important in todays economy. Summary. It also allows for the possibility that individual NIH Institutes or Centers (IC) may choose on a case-by-case basis to apply the Policy to projects generating data on a smaller scale depending on the state of the science, the needs of the research community, and the programmatic priorities of the IC. Federal Register Notice. February 2003. The draft GDS Policy proposed timelines for data submission and data release (i.e., when data should be made available for sharing with other investigators). See The Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) covers parts of five states and three Canadian provinces. NIH has modified the Supplemental Information to clarify that the 6-month deferral for the release of Level 2 and Level 3 human genomic data does not start until the data have been cleaned and submission to NIH has been initiated, which is typically about three months after the data have been generated. Just 16% of Americans think that a four-year degree prepares students very well for a well-paying job in todays economy. Note that, if needed during the review process, authors must provide datasets to the editor or editorial staff upon request whether or not the authors intend to share them on publication. Trinidad et al. Workforce Powerful insights to help you create the best employee experience. Major advances in agricultural productivity and rural prosperity in the past have resulted from transformative technologies such as breeding tools and strategies, mechanization and prudent use of agrochemicals. One commenter suggested that NIH should consider a more rapid timeline than the date of first publication for releasing model organism data, while other comments supported the specified data release timeline. Data in unrestricted-access repositories are publicly available to anyone (e.g., The 1000 Genomes Project56). Because there will be significant variation in research projects generating Level 2 and Level 3 human genomic data, the timeline for submission is project-specific and will be determined in each case by the funding NIH IC through consultation with the investigator, and the Supplemental Information has been clarified accordingly. Asked further about a series of economic concerns, 43% of voters say the job situation is either the most important economic issue in determining their vote for president this year or the second most important. Copies of these data can be obtained free of charge from Some 45% of Americans believe the growing number of immigrants working in the U.S. has hurt workers overall, and 42% believe the immigrant influx has helped workers. Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, How we measured the changing need for skills in the workplace. Our aim at Hindawi is to fosteropen access to all research outputs(including data and software code, as well as articles), while ensuring that appropriate attribution is given to those who invest time, thought, and funds into their creation. Regarding the concern that human genomic data will be made available before investigators can notify participants of consequential findings, such data would be considered Level 4 data and would not be expected to be released before publication, which NIH believes will provide sufficient time to discuss consequential findings with participants. Abstract: Appropriate design of organizational RDM (research data management) environment is required for each institution in accordance with social demands such as promotion of open science and research fairness. This increase occurred entirely in the 1990s, a decade that encompassed the longest economic expansion in modern U.S. history. Such repositories typically allow the data to be stored in native formats, which maximises the potential for analysis, reuse, and verification. Above-average preparation typically calls for a four-year college degree and additional years of experience and training (e.g., lawyers). And 35% of workers, including about three-in-ten (27%) adults with at least a bachelors degree, say they dont have the education and training they need to get ahead at work. Scientific Data Council. Other commenters expressed concern about the burden of rewriting and harmonizing existing informed consent documents. For this, a questionnaire was distributed to 37,223 researchers, with 1577 researchers completing it. Throughout this report, four-year degree and bachelors degree are used interchangeably. For studies initiated after the effective date of the GDS Policy, NIH expects investigators to obtain participants consent for their genomic and phenotypic data to be used for future research purposes and to be shared broadly. See For some disciplines, Hindawi requires the use of particular repositories, which are listed under subject-specific requirements below. Projects must develop activities that cultivate interest and competencies in STEM and in food and agricultural sciences supported by the six Farm Bill Priority areas of AFRI. GWAS has the same definition in this policy as in the 2007 GWAS Policy: a study in which the density of genetic markers and the extent of linkage disequilibrium should be sufficient to capture (by the r2 parameter) a large proportion of the common variation in the genome of the population under study, and the number of samples (in a case-control or trio design) should provide sufficient power to detect variants of modest effect. For non-human data, the draft Policy proposed that data should be submitted and made available for sharing no later than the date of initial publication, with the acknowledgement that the submission and release of data for certain projects may be expected earlier, mirroring data sharing expectations that have been in place under other policies.4 Some commenters suggested that the data submission expectations for non-human data were unclear. There was also a comment proposing that a submitting institution should be able to review and comment on all data access requests (DARs) to NIH before NIH completes its internal review process and proposed that NIH notify submitting institutions and research participants of any policy violations reported by users of genomic data. (2009). When NIH becomes aware of any problems, the relevant institution and investigators are notified, and NIH takes appropriate steps to address the violation and prevent it from recurring. These data use limitations should be specified in the Institutional Certification submitted to NIH prior to award. The final GDS Policy has been clarified to state that for the purpose of the Policy, data should be de-identified to meet the definition for de-identified data in the HHS Regulations for Protection of Human Subjects25 and be stripped of the 18 identifiers listed in the HIPAA Privacy Rule.26 NIH agrees that the risks of re-identification should be conveyed to prospective subjects in the consent process. 35. With regard to the competitiveness of grant applications that do not propose to utilize consent for broad sharing, this Policy does not propose that applications be assessed on this point during the merit review, but investigators are nonetheless expected to seek consent for broad sharing to the greatest extent possible. The Supplemental Information to the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy (Supplemental Information)10 provides examples of research projects involving large-scale genomic data that are subject to the Policy. NSF 12-314 | April 30, 2012, InfoBriefs | Some 63% of adults with a bachelors degree or higher level of education say they will need to keep advancing their skills throughout their career, compared with 45% of those with no college experience who feel the same sense of urgency. NSF 99-346 | June 1, 1999, Detailed Statistical Tables | HG-2009-01. See NSF 98-326 | January 1, 1999, Detailed Statistical Tables | Since 1980, employment in jobs requiring stronger social skills, namely interpersonal, communications or management skills, increased from 49 million to 90 million, or 83%. When the data are not freely available, the authors should provide an explanation and details of any restrictions on access. In cases where data submission to an NIH-designated data repository is not appropriate, that is, the Institutional Certification criteria cannot be met, investigators should provide a justification for any data submission exceptions requested in the funding application or proposal. 32. dbGaP Collection: Compilation of Individual-Level Genomic Data for General Research Use. A significant share (about a third) of workers who say they need more training believe on-the-job training would be the best way to gain the skills they need to get ahead, while fewer (17%) point to certificate programs as the most promising pathway. At acceptance, you should then submit your crystal data to an appropriate repository and update the Data Availability statement in your manuscript to indicate how authors can retrieve the data. Examples of analytical skills are critical thinking, mathematics and computer programming. The trend in hours worked depends on the data source (, All references for alternative work arrangements are from Katz, Lawrence F. and Alan B. Krueger, . NSF 97-327 | February 6, 1997, Detailed Statistical Tables | Genomic data undergo different levels of data processing, which provides the basis for NIHs expectations for data submission. Workers have mixed views on the extent to which their own credentials and qualifications match up with the requirements of their job. According to government data, the share of workers with an employer-sponsored health insurance plan (either through their own employer or through the employer of a family member) fell from 77% in 1980 to 69% in 2013. Among all adults, 52% say colleges should have a lot of responsibility in making sure that the American workforce has the right skills and education to be successful, and 49% believe employers should have a lot of responsibility. A look at occupations by the combinations of skills suggests that jobs requiring both higher social and higher analytical skills, such as managerial or teaching jobs, are generally doing better than other jobs in terms of employment growth. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announces the final Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy that promotes sharing, for research purposes, of large-scale human and non-human genomic1 data generated from NIH-funded research. Changes in employment for occupations grouped by the importance of social, analytical and physical skills reflect the changing need for each skill. The Data Management Survey 23 consists of two key components: The Results An overview ANPRM for Revision to Common Rule. The processed data are available [AT REPOSITORY NAME/IN THE SUPPLEMENTARY FILES/FROM THE CORRESPONDING AUTHOR UPON REQUEST]. Although data are de-identified, approved users of controlled-access data are encouraged to consider whether a Certificate of Confidentiality could serve as an additional safeguard to prevent compelled disclosure of any genomic data they may hold.55. In this case, they should name who should be contacted to request the data (e.g., the ethics or data access committee) and provide appropriate contact details. See Previous modeling efforts indicated that climate change would result in a shift of waterfowl habitat from the central PPR to the southeast PPR where the majority of wetlands have been drained. Several commenters were concerned that the draft GDS Policy was unclear about which standard should be used to ensure the de-identification of data. How Americans assess the job situation today and prospects for the future, 4. Workers who rely heavily on interpersonal skills, critical thinking and good communications skills report that they acquired these skills in different settings. 1. Some 41% say they have more qualifications than their job requires, compared with 50% who think they have the right amount of qualifications and 9% who say they are underqualified. Culture of excellence inspires consistent and reliable end-to-end E2E supply chain performanceOperational and process skills cultivate deep functional expertiseRelationship and communications skills facilitate E2E integrationInspirational character drives bold change (2011). Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (Common Rule). Recommendations for improving survey data and response rate. The draft GDS Policy included an exception for compelling scientific reasons to allow the research use of data from de-identified, clinical specimens or cell lines collected or created after the effective date of the Policy and for which research consent was not obtained. Appendix A The Research Data Management Survey. References to whites, blacks and Asians include only those who are non-Hispanic, unless otherwise noted, and identify themselves as only one race. 10. Employment in these hybrid occupations has grown 94% since 1980 (from 39 million to 76 million), representing a higher growth rate than jobs requiring higher social skills or those calling for higher analytical skills. Research at the HeartMath Institute shows that, adding heart to our daily activities and connections produces measurable benefits to our own and others' See (Earnings data are in 2014 dollars.). A Trial of Consent Procedures for Future Research with Clinically Derived Biological Samples. Article of the Year Award: Outstanding research contributions of 2021, as selected by our Chief Editors. Citations should include persistent identifiers in well-formed references to data and software. a common structure and collection of metadata). 12. By contrast, about half of adults working in hospitality (47%), manufacturing or farming (46%) or retail or wholesale trade (46%) see training and skills development as an essential part of their future work life.3. De-identified refers to removing information that could be used to associate a dataset or record with a human individual. In Chapters 2 to 5, Asians are not analyzed separately due to small sample size. Uniform Administrative Requirements for Awards and Subawards to Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, Other Nonprofit Organizations, and Commercial Organizations; Enforcement. Some additional information is available here. Please update your browser to the latest release of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge. The GDS Policy applies to all NIH-funded research that generates large-scale human or non-human genomic data as well as the use of these data for subsequent research. Investigators should also strip the data of identifiers according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule.27 The de-identified data should be assigned random, unique codes by the investigator, and the key to other study identifiers held by the submitting institution. Importantly, such repositories conform to a minimum set of best practices and provide appropriate standards of curation (e.g. Commenters also expressed interest in additional details regarding the use of Trusted Partners, which are third-party partnerships established through a contract mechanism, to provide infrastructure needs for data storage and/or tools that are useful for genomic data analyses. Ouremployee directory contains names, position titles, phone numbers, email addresses, and biographies of Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center staff. As noted above, NIH encourages the appropriate patenting of downstream applications. These prior studies (and datasets) are cited at relevant places within the text as references [#-#]. While the resources needed to support data sharing are not trivial, NIH maintains that the investments are warranted by the significant discoveries made possible through the secondary use of the data. 7. By 2015 the median had fallen 11%, to only $25,000. 5. Another issue raised by a number of comments related to identifiability of genomic data. Where such repositories are not available, or specific legal or ethical requirements prohibit public sharing of a dataset, authors must indicate how researchers may obtain access to the data. On the other hand, people believe there is less job security overall now than in the past, and that more job insecurity awaits tomorrows workers. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. This is true across levels of educational attainment: Four-year college graduates say they would pursue a graduate degree, two-year college graduates say they would try to get a four-year degree, and high school graduates say they would go to college. Some other organisations and publishers who require a data availability statements have also issued guidance which authors may find helpful: Data for certain disciplines should be handled in a specific way, and deposited in particular repositories. But a sizable share 38% volunteer that they taught themselves those skills or came by them naturally.5. The survey is an annual census completed by the federal agencies that conduct R&D programs. To date, violations have been discovered before the completion of the research, and no participants have been harmed. Studies at the Cottonwood Lake study area began in 1967 and continue through the present (2022, Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of the North American Northern Great Plains perform multiple ecosystem services and are biodiversity hotspots. Please choose the following link and provide your details or speak with one of our Wealth Management Client Services team on 0800 279 4893* *Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays). On November 6, 2013, during the comment period, NIH held a public webinar on the draft GDS Policy that was attended by nearly 200 people and included a question and answer session.9. The funding IC will review the justification and decide whether to make an exception to the consent expectation. At the same time, global markets for U.S.-made products are seen as helpful for workers by 68% of adults. This includes the data you provide as part of the supplementary information to your article (if you have any). From its inception, dbGaP has solicited feedback from users and worked to improve data submission and access procedures, for example, the creation of a study compilation that allows investigators to submit a single request for access to all controlled-access aggregate and individual-level genomic data available for general research use.31,32 NIH will continue to seek user feedback and track the performance of the dbGaP system. NSF 13-326 | July 8, 2013, Detailed Statistical Tables | More information about requesting exceptions is available on the GDS website.15. Turnout in U.S. has soared in recent elections but by some measures still trails that of many other countries, 45% of Americans Say U.S. Should Be a Christian Nation. - Tsunamis can be caused by volcanoes, landslides, and even atmospheric disturbances - Data from tide gauges can help unravel the complex physics of these sources For example, if a commercial software package or data set is used, the researchers can indicate where others can obtain similar access. Next on the list are training in science and math 69% believe that is extremely or very important and knowing computer programming (64%). 39. This Data Snapshot analyzes trends in research laboratory space within the context of research grants and contracts expenditures and numbers of principal investigators as reported on the Operations Management Survey. Requests for Controlled-Access Data 2. NIH Grants Policy Statement. Standard data use limitations have been developed by NIH and are available through the GDS website.29 With regard to improving transparency on data access procedures, NIH plans to make statistics on access publicly available on the GDS website,30 including the average processing time for NIH to review data access requests. 45 CFR 74.62. However An increased understanding of prairie-pothole-wetland macroinvertebrate dynamics is crucial to better inform conservation strategies related to waterfowl production, biodiversity enhancement, and wetland function/health maintenance. An additional 28% say it is not too likely. 63. Further information is available in the Data Use Certification. An additional 51% say colleges prepare students somewhat well for the workplace. NSF 07-302 | December 18, 2006, InfoBriefs | (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. Trace Archive at Natural sciences managers; Projections Central. A concern shared by several commenters was that the risks posed to the privacy of individuals with rare diseases, populations with higher risk of re-identification by the broad sharing of data, or populations at risk of greater potential harm from re-identification were not adequately addressed. Occupations were rated as requiring either an average to above-average level of each major skill type or a below-average level of each skill. C. Conditions for Use of Unrestricted-Access Data Gymrek et al. Data are from the National Vital Statistics System mortality file ().Consistent with previous reports, the number of maternal deaths does not include all deaths occurring to pregnant or recently pregnant women, but only those deaths with the underlying cause of death assigned to International Statistical Classification of Diseases, 10th Data Management Plan for Research, Education, and Extension Projects document (see below) provides guidance for the requested DMP in the respective Request for Applications. To grasp the current status and requirements associated with research data Here we conducted a coordinated lake ice quality sampling campaign across the Northern Hemisphere during one of the warmest winters since 1880 and show that lake ice during 2020/2021 commonly consisted of unstable white ice, at times contributing up, Depressional wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America have a long history of investigation owing to their importance in maintaining migratory-bird populations, especially waterfowl. According to the Centers analysis of government data, the average hourly wage, adjusted for inflation, increased from $19 in 1990 to $22 in 2015, or 16% in 25 years.6 Jobs requiring higher levels of social or analytical skills generally pay more than jobs requiring higher physical or manual skills, and the pay gap between manual and analytical jobs has grown over the years. 7. Office of Science Policy Among workers who say this skill set is important in their job, 46% say they learned these skills on the job. NSF 01-328 | July 11, 2001, Detailed Statistical Tables | 85(5): 643-654. NSF 22-318 | February 16, 2022, InfoBriefs | A lock () or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. And workers ages 55 to 64 also earned 10% more in 2015 than they did in 1980. In general, investigators should make non-human genomic data publicly available no later than the date of initial publication. Energy facilities continue to proliferate across the United States, yet implementation of mitigation tools to ameliorate habitat loss or behavioural effects on wildlife is rare. In 2014, about half of workers (51%) had worked for their current employer five years or more, compared with 46% of workers who were in that position in 1996. Yet even as many college graduates view their own educational experience in positive terms, the public as a whole including a substantial share of college graduates expresses reservations about the ability of higher education institutions to prepare students for the workforce more generally. Genomic Data Sharing Policy Team Chapter 4 looks at the skills workers use in their own jobs, whether they feel properly equipped to do their jobs well, and where they would turn to increase their skills and gain additional training. Laboratory websites or personal data stores (such as Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive) are not sufficient for these purposes. The mid-level preparation (rating of three) corresponds to an associate degree or a similar level of vocational training, plus some prior job experience and one to two years of either formal or informal on-the-job training (e.g., electricians). The study employed the quantitative approach in which the data was gathered through an online survey questionnaire and analysed using natural language processing techniques. NIH expects that in addition to adhering to the GDS Policy, investigators and institutions will also comply with the Common Rule and any other applicable federal regulations or laws. The Institutional Certification also should be provided prior to award, along with any other Just-in-Time information. Survey software Leading survey software to help you turn data into decisions. If they ranked more than one skill extremely important, one of those skills was randomly chosen. Women, who represent 47% of the overall workforce, make up the majority of workers in jobs where social or analytical skills are relatively more important, 55% and 52%, respectively. A number of commenters expressed concern about these timelines, suggesting that they were too short and could limit an investigators ability to perform adequate quality control and publish results within the provided timeline. Sharing research data supports the NIH mission and is essential to facilitate the translation of research results into knowledge, products, and procedures that improve human health. Those who said they have more than one but consider one to be their primary job were asked to think about only their primary job when answering questions about their current job. This program area priority will support content development and activities for non-formal education to foster development of technology-savvy youths.

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research data management survey