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authoritative knowledge in research

THE Q U E S T I O N N A I R E 1 33 Closed- vs. open-ended questions and levels of measurement Our selection of closed- or open-ended questions carries implications for the level of measurement we achieve in our survey items. Focus groups are guided group discussions of selected topics. Indeed, the insistence on replication is simply the skeptical "show me" attitude of science coming full circle - if the findings are true, they should show up time after time under similar research conditions. Observing Ourselves: Essays in Social Research. In posing the question of internal validity (aka causal validity) we are asking if the overall research plan or research design is really capable of detecting causal relationships when they exist. Once we are familiar with the idea of external validity, we can see the value of replication in a slightly different light. Wiltz, John E. 1973. Questions that don't follow rules of good grammar can also prove difficult for respondents. Poor Americans were not included in the Digest poll and poor Americans were solidly behind Roosevelt and his New Deal. Time-Based Knowing: Traditional Knowledge Credential-Based Knowing: Authoritative Knowledge More Risky Knowledge Sources: Common Sense and Intuition Science as a Trustworthy Way of Knowing Goals of Research Using Research Methods to Become Critical Consumers of Information 2 Ethics: It's the Right Thing To Do Research Should Not Cause Harm to Subjects Researchers Should Obtain the Informed Consent of Subjects Researchers Should Respect Subjects' Privacy Researchers Should Avoid Conflicts of Interest Ethical Reporting: The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth? The numbers attached to values might also indicate a ranking or ordering of the values - the values attached to the number 1 might be less than the values attached to the number 2 which in turn might be less than the values attached to the number 3. San Francisco Chronicle, December 8. These correction terms are formally known as confidence intervals - i.e., we are confident that the true population value actually falls somewhere in this range of numbers. If you look at the numbers attached to each of these values they indicate an increasing magnitude of the values - i.e., an increasing amount of formal education. Have those individuals from the 2002 sample changed their views? How do they occupy the space? Then, we tested for common method variance (CMV) with a CFA model wherein all the items loaded on the respective factors and a common method factor (Podsakoff et al., 2003). Consider the variable gender. Does power distance exacerbate or mitigate the effects of abusive supervision? Concepts are essential to our thinking; they are essential to our communicating with others. Pharmaceutical companies, for instance, must initiate the testing of new drugs on animals. How to Make, Read, and Interpret Graphs. How much information is enough? Those taking the nurture side of the debate- credit culture and socialization experiences as the most important determinants of behavioral outcomes. 1995. The mean reports the average score that best represents a set of scores. The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable is a 2007 book by author and former options trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb.The book focuses on the extreme impact of rare and unpredictable outlier eventsand the human tendency to find simplistic explanations for these events, retrospectively. Without this total listing of all the population elements, probability sampling is impossible. The nature/nurture debate surrounding IQ has yet to be fully resolved. As you well know, movie attractions typically cram the less than two-minute "sample" of the coming attraction with the funniest or most dramatic or the most action-packed moments of the new release. recorded how often parents uttered their disapproval or tried to take over the task, rated how often parents showed warmth, made suggestions, used induction (What would happen if we tried this?), or demanded mature behavior from their kids, and. Newborns delight us with their engaging curiosity about the world around them. The normal curve always depicts three standard distances to the right of (above) the mean and three standard distances to the left of (below) the mean. One of the most notorious examples of the privacy dilemma in a public research setting is offered by Laud Humphreys' study (1969) of tearooms (public restrooms used for impersonal homosexual encounters). Some help in finding the right statistical tool for a particular data set can be found at Bill Trochim's "Selecting Statistics": http://trochim.human.Cornell, edu/selstat/ssstart.htm. However, recent studies have started to explore the potential positive influence of authoritarian leadership (Huang et al., 2015; Tian and Sanchez, 2017), suggesting that the mechanisms through which authoritarian leadership influences employee outcomes still require further investigation. Research procedures offer great safeguards against error, but error can still make its way into scientific findings. Retrospective questions about your childhood experiences with physical discipline can be used to investigate a causal connection with your later disciplinary practices as a parent. See the link "How Polls are Conducted" on the Gallup homepage: Go to and follow the "Health Tools" link. Replication To regard findings as true and reliable, science insists that those findings occur more than once. Third, we have made assumptions about the moderating role of individual power distance. Evidence that is obtained in an unsystematic way is regarded as tainted or problematic; it is seen as less trustworthy. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) We have covered quite a few important statistical tools in this chapter and you may be feeling like your boat is about to go down in the rough sea of statistics. With field research, the social investigator directly observes people/events in their natural settings. It will be distorted by the Table 12.3 Gender composition of US Senate, 2003-5 US Senators by gender Male Senators Female Senators Frequency 86 14 3 Think about it: Imagine a group of 20 people - i.e., 10 men and 10 women. Smith, Tom. New York: The Free Press. The second item with its different set of fixed choices reaches the ordinal level of measurement. Content last modified 7/17. Cerulo, Karen A. Lamborn SD, Mants NS, Steinberg L, and Dornbusch SM. Mon - Fri 9.30 am - 6.30 pm Sat, Sun, Public Holidays 9.30 am - 4.00 pm Or consider another exercise in expert deception - one that is now coming back to haunt an industry. Expanding the Essentials For those starting to tread the statistical waters take heart! Open University Pres, Gordon Rugg & Marian Petre In other words, to accurately document change, we must be certain that the exact same measures of variables being investigated are used in each wave of data collection. We consider this question next. Broaden your knowledge with SEO resources for all skill levels. One researcher might define alienation as a loss of involvement in the activity of working. While small samples can adequately represent homogeneous populations (remember, a sample of one is all that's needed to perfectly represent a totally homogeneous population), diverse populations require larger samples. What's the probability that a score falls between 72 and 88? Are questions measurement validity or internal validity or external validity adequately addresse 4 Measure by Measure: Making the Abstract Concrete Picture adults interacting with infants and you will have immediate insight into our conceptual nature. A.L.R. Informal Interviews Observation work is not restricted to what we see. An official website of the United States government. Sample selection, then, is the critical difference between the trend and the panel design. This point brings us to yet another obstacle to good samples: the sample selection process. Employees who believe that leaders should have a great degree of authority over subordinates are considered to have a high power distance, whereas employees who believe a smaller degree of authority is appropriate are considered to have a low power distance (Lee et al., 2000). Would the tips work well in a research setting? A measure is considered reliable if it yields the same results each time it is used, assuming, of course, that there's been no real change in the variable being measured. Using samples to make accurate generalizations about populations is a central concern of good sampling. The program takes a look at what has happened in the past century by looking through the "lens of data and measurement." option. In the final analysis, science demands redundancy. Well, in the five years between the two waves of the study, new environmentally astute students may have entered Whatsamatter U (and consequently show up in the 2007 sample), while "old" environmentally neutral students may have graduated from Whatsamatter U (and are missing from the 2007 sample). 1998. Wright, T. 2001. "A Methodological Analysis of the Sexual Behavior Questions on the GSS." In all likelihood, we haven't heard the last about the causal link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Individuals with a strong learning goal orientation consistently strive toward mastery of a skill or task in an effort to increase competence, whereas performance goals motivate individuals to seek to gain favorable judgments of their competence or avoid negative judgments of their competence (Nicholls, 1984). Given its dynamic nature, it may be weeks or even months before field researchers discover the significance of their observations. Berkeley: University of California Press. Mabrey, Vicki. It all sounds good in theory, let's try it in practice. (1992). We work with business, industry and the community to manage regulatory and infrastructure plans that support the development of market expansion and innovation strategies. For instance, some see easy access to guns as a cause of school violence. ed. A Gentle Guide to This concern with the ability to generalize from small to larger groups of similar elements is referred to as sample generalizability. This research design offers us the best chance of correctly identifying the causal connections between independent and dependent variables. All rights reserved. An upper-class bias was produced in their sampling technique - only the wealthiest Americans in 1936 owned phones and automobiles. Knowledge of the German building stock is largely based on census data and annual construction statistics. For example, the normal curve is essential to testing hypotheses about group differences or about relationships between variables. This issue is no less of an ethical dilemma than the issues of informed consent, privacy, etc. "To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest with the Plough." Ltd, Pondicherry, India Printed and bound in India by Gopsons Papers Ltd, Noida The publisher's policy is to use permanent paper from mills that operate a sustainable forestry policy, and which has been manufactured from pulp processed using acid-free and elementary chlorine-free practices. What qualities do you think are really important in a guy? Sociologists, for instance, speak of families of orientation vs. families of procreation. Ergo, any kind of mathematical calculation is off limits with nominal data.3 The mode doesn't require mathematical calculations; we just need to find the most frequently occurring value to determine the mode. The team managers were asked to provide a performance rating for each individual employee. In K. Cook and J. Hagan (eds. 2002. The researcher must rely on replication - i.e., a research "do over." Review basics of search engine optimization, ranking factors & more. Authoritative answers can be found from: internet address = internet address = internet address = > How Do I Register Authoritative Name Server? Miller, Delbert, and Neil Salkind. Is there any truth to the claim that cell phones cause brain cancer (Grandell 2002; Ranade 2002) or that the measles vaccine causes autism (Allen 2002; Community Pharmacy 2003)? Several years ago, studies found an association between breast-fed children and higher IQ scores. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. N, usce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. In recent years, for example, there has been a keen interest in knowing more about the fast growing population of Internet users. are reluctant to impose rules and standards, preferring to let their kids regulate themselves. The control that characterizes the experiment allows the researcher to explicitly address the three previously stated requirements of causality. Consider the following GSS questions on respondents' attitudes toward abortion: Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if READ EACH STATEMENT, AND CIRCLE ONE CODE FOR EACH1 A. 6 WHY R E S E A R C H METHODS? We pursued this course of action because these issues go to the heart of the matter of science as a superior source of knowledge. Cheng B. S., Chou L. F., Wu T. Y., Huang M. P., Farh J. L. (2004). WHY RESEARCH METHODS? As is the case with probability sampling, the researcher has several non-probability sampling options to consider. How many kids do you want to have? Lofland, John, and Lyn Lofland. Different theories invoke different concepts. Inevitably, fewer individuals are involved in the study than initially volunteer. Patton, M. 1982. As with measures of central tendency, there are three important measures of variability in our statistical tool kit: the range, the standard deviation and the variance. In a recent analysis of 428 published studies, researchers compared child outcomes throughout the world. This style of questioning invites the use of matrix formatting where statements or items are vertically stacked on the left of the page and the response alternatives are vertically stacked on the right side of the page. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. They warn of a severe snowstorm and we wind up with a dusting. In these scenarios, the respondent may come to believe that the researcher is less interested in hearing what's on the respondent's mind than in checking off boxes on the schedule. A short but informative discussion of explicit vs. implicit confidentiality agreements as well as of the overall importance of confidential exchanges in social research can be found in Wes Jamison's article "Confidentiality in Social Science Research": How can we apply the normal curve in the analysis of IQ? Critics of open-ended questionnaires complain that respondents aren't likely to invest the time required to write out answers to these probing yet "impersonal" surveys.) Questionnaire Research: A Practical Guide. The element in the sampling frame with that number then gets included in the sample. In contrast, Spanish-speaking women undergoing cesarean delivery in a high-technology public hospital in Texas are, due to their limited English, only minimally able to interact with hospital staff. Pre-testing also allows the researcher to assess the impact of word selection, question sequencing, and various formatting and layout issues. Ratio level measures have true and meaningful zeros; interval level measures do not. Palm pilots, billboards, and information kiosks also keep us in the know. These findings support Hypotheses 1 and 2. Random assignment assures that the same kind of people are found in both groups and the experimental group won't wind up with more motivated (desperate to quit) participants than the control group. Consequently, the researcher's ability to eliminate rival explanations will ultimately depend on how thoughtful and diligent the researcher is about including survey questions about pertinent C variables. If we're "up for it," the stream of information can go on 24/7. Anyone who isn't interested in faithfully recording field notes should not be doing field research. As you read through the example, think about whether or not the researcher has provided enough detail to allow us to execute this measure on our own: Pieces of tape were placed unobtrusively on the sidewalk leading into the intersections at intervals of 1 foot or less from the curb, 2 feet from the curb, and 3 feet or beyond. The survey is a research tool that gathers critical research CAUSAL A N A L Y S I S 87 information via questions. Constructing a narrative does not guarantee that the causal argument is a correct one. This would yield a mean gender of 1.5! The rapport issue demands that the interviewer's social skills must be sharp. Consequently, getting the census count right is a very big deal. The folders would then be filled with all pertinent entries from the field notes. 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authoritative knowledge in research