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toxicological research journal

35 No. Keep lettering consistently sized throughout your final-sized artwork, usually about 23 mm (812 pt). For review articles where discrete statements are less applicable a statement should be included who had the idea for the article, who performed the literature search and data analysis, and who drafted and/or critically revised the work. TOXICOLOGY RESEARCH JOURNALS Thanks for your interest in Toxicology research. No funding was received for conducting this study. Please see the various examples of wording below and revise/customize the sample statements according to your own needs. All manuscripts are subjected to editorial peer review. Toxicology publishes original research papers in the arena of Biological Sciences, General Chemistry and Pharmacology. The first draft of the manuscript was written by [full name] and all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. Springer accepts electronic multimedia files (animations, movies, audio, etc.) Once typesetting is complete, you will receive a link asking you to confirm your affiliation, choose the publishing model for your article as well as arrange rights and payment of any associated publication cost. If you are unclear whether your article type requires a disclosure statement, please contact the Editor-in-Chief. Variance of type size within an illustration should be minimal, e.g., do not use 8-pt type on an axis and 20-pt type for the axis label. The entries in the list should be numbered consecutively. In order to give people of all abilities and disabilities access to the content of your supplementary files, please make sure that. Types of Manuscripts 1. When suggesting reviewers, authors should make sure they are totally independent and not connected to the work in any way. Reviewers should examine the manuscript and return it with their review report to the associate editor as soon as possible, usually within 3 weeks. Ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors), and, unless inappropriate, report the sex and/or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex and gender. The final decision by the editor is usually completed within 1 month from the time of the paper submission. The primary affiliation for each author should be the institution where the majority of their work was done. 2. The manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal for simultaneous consideration. The study was approved by the Bioethics Committee of the Medical University of A (No. Please note that journals may have individual policies on (sharing) research data in concordance with disciplinary norms and expectations. Search. In addition to the above, manuscripts that report the results of studies involving humans and/or animals should include the following declarations: Authors of research involving human or animal subjects should include a statement that confirms that the study was approved (or granted exemption) by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee (including the name of the ethics committee and reference number, if available). If a study was granted exemption from requiring ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript (including the reasons for the exemption). In this study, we explored the acute toxicology of EZY-1 and the signaling pathways involved in its antifibrotic role. For cases in which a co-author dies or is incapacitated during the writing, submission, or peer-review process, and the co-authors feel it is appropriate to include the author, co-authors should obtain approval from a (legal) representative which could be a direct relative. This is in particular applicable to case studies. Upon the acceptance of manuscript, the authors will be requested to pay a manuscript handling fee (200 USD for each accepted manuscript) within 2 weeks. SOT 56th, March 12-16, 2017, Baltimore, MD, USA. The first draft of the manuscript was written by [full name] and all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. My Research and Language Selection My Research Sign into My Research Create My Research Account English; Help and support Help and support. Substantially, the genotoxicity of metal oxide nanomaterials' data is resulting . The toxicological data may help in understanding the mechanism of death. 2. Further information is available from the International Cell Line Authentication Committee (ICLAC). The reviewer recommends acceptance, rejection, acceptance after revision, or re-reviewing after revision through reviewer's report. 35 No. Interests outside the 3-year time frame must be disclosed if they could reasonably be perceived as influencing the submitted work. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by [full name], [full name] and [full name]. Editorial Board Members are welcome to submit papers to the journal. We encourage research data to be archived in data repositories wherever possible. Peptide and Protein Research and Application Key Laboratory of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang, China. Avoid the most common mistakes and prepare your manuscript for journal editors. Before submitting your article check the instructions following this section carefully. Consent and already available data and/or biologic material. Toxicological Research is the official journal of the Korean Society of Toxicology. Written informed consent was obtained from the parents. ESM_3.mpg, ESM_4.pdf. The above should be summarized in a statement and placed in a Declarations section before the reference list under a heading of Ethics approval. Color illustrations should be submitted as RGB. It is possible to collect multiple files in a .zip or .gz file. The genetic toxicology of nanomaterials is a crucial toxicology issue and one of the least investigated topics. The invoice and guidance of the payment will be informed by an email from the KSOT secretariat. Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study. If address information is provided with the affiliation(s) it will also be published. Methods for which adequate reference can be cited are not required to be described. Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify their relevance (ICMJE Recommendations). Please refer to the Competing Interests section below for more information on how to complete these sections. Toxicology Research and Application, 2017. in bold type, followed by the figure number, also in bold type. This systematic review aimed to analyze autopsies related to suicides by consuming poison, focusing on the correlation between substance use and the country of origin to create an alarm bell to indicate that suicide maybe attempted and prevent it . Journal of Toxicology publishes papers in all areas of toxicological sciences, including the structure, function, and mechanism of agents toxic to humans and/or animals, as well as toxicological medicine, safety evaluation, and environmental health. - )Easiness Of Comments (Click To Rate! A final decision letter will be sent to the corresponding author by the Editor-in-Chief. Please refer to the submission guidelines at Toxicological Research | Submission guidelines ( The data reproduced from Article X utilized human tissue that was procured via our Biobank AB, which provides de-identified samples. For all research involving human subjects, freely-given, informed consent to participate in the study must be obtained from participants (or their parent or legal guardian in the case of children under 16) and a statement to this effect should appear in the manuscript. Authors should be aware to secure informed consent from the individual (or parent or guardian if the participant is a minor or incapable) See also section on Informed Consent. Publishing Ethics of Toxicological Research (Download pdf, 126 kB). Offprints can be ordered by the corresponding author. Individuals may consent to participate in a study, but object to having their data published in a journal article. No punctuation is to be included after the number, nor is any punctuation to be placed at the end of the caption. Negotiation research spans many disciplines [3]. Employment: Recent (while engaged in the research project), present or anticipated employment by any organization that may gain or lose financially through publication of this manuscript. Not logged in All authors read and approved the final manuscript.. This journal encourages authors to adopt RRIDs when reporting key biological resources (antibodies, cell lines, model organisms and tools) in their manuscripts. These guidelines describe authorship principles and good authorship practices to which prospective authors should adhere to. Learn more. Manuscripts of the original research articles should be organized into the following sections in the order of: (1) Title page, (2) Abstract and Keywords, (3) Introduction, (4) Materials and Methods, (5) Results, (6) Discussion, (7) Acknowledgements, (8) References, (9) Tables with titles, (10) Legends for Figures, and (11) Figures. Please provide an abstract of less than 300 words. When biological material is donated for or data is generated as part of a research project authors should ensure, as part of the informed consent procedure, that the participants are made aware what kind of (personal) data will be processed, how it will be used and for what purpose. Please note that changes to authorship cannot be made after acceptance of a manuscript. Data citations should include the minimum information recommended by DataCite: authors, title, publisher (repository name), identifier. The International journal of pharmacology and toxicology publishes original research articles . Datasets that are assigned digital object identifiers (DOIs) by a data repository may be cited in the reference list. The Publisher does not prescribe the kinds of contributions that warrant authorship. For vector graphics, the preferred format is EPS; for halftones, please use TIFF format. Frontiers in Toxicology is an international and interdisciplinary open-access journal presenting the latest research on the adverse effects of substances, particles and mixtures on living organisms, from molecular mechanisms to population level effects. The significance of the work and its contribution to the area of study should be stated. It is recommended that authors check the NCBI database for misidentification and contamination of human cell lines. Authors are strongly advised to ensure the author group, the Corresponding Author, and the order of authors are all correct at submission. Toxicology is a field of science that helps us understand the harmful effects that chemicals, substances, or situations, can have on people, animals, and the environment. The program is enhanced by a series of complementary conferences in major areas of Toxicology research - such as EUROTOX and SOT (Society of Toxicology). Dimanche 23 octobre, le Haras de la Vende propose une journe thmatique d'animations autour de l'automne. It is easy to find funding to support open access please see our funding and support pages for more information. The retraction note should provide transparency which parts of the article are impacted by the error. For example or any of the primary registries that participate in the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. When preparing your figures, size figures to fit in the column width. Name the files consecutively, e.g. Images will be removed from publication if authors have not obtained informed consent or the paper may be removed and replaced with a notice explaining the reason for removal. It is difficult to specify a threshold at which a financial interest becomes significant, any such figure is necessarily arbitrary, so one possible practical guideline is the following: "Any undeclared financial interest that could embarrass the author were it to become publicly known after the work was published.". In the case of an authorship dispute during peer review or after acceptance and publication, the Journal will not be in a position to investigate or adjudicate. Sign up for alerts. Please describe any sources of funding that have supported the work. This is in particular applicable to case studies. Based on 2020, SJR is 0.775. Authors should include a statement that confirms that an institutional or independent ethics committee (including the name of the ethics committee) approved the study and that informed consent was obtained from the donor or next of kin. Toxicological Research Journal home Volumes and issues Volume 36, issue 3 Search within journal Volume 36, issue 3, July 2020 11 articles in this issue Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2B6 by Astragalus extract mixture HT042 Harim Kim Yejin Lee Donghak Kim Original Article Published: 04 December 2019 Pages: 195 - 201 Detailed descriptions of individual participants, whether of their whole bodies or of body sections, may lead to disclosure of their identity. See also Authorship Principles. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by [full name], [full name] and [full name]. If an author has subsequently moved, the current address may additionally be stated. Where an Editor or Editorial Board Member is on the author list they must declare this in the competing interests section on the submitted manuscript. Supplementary Information (SI) will be published as received from the author without any conversion, editing, or reformatting. 103~207: Jul. Definition: a combination of halftone and line art, e.g., halftones containing line drawing, extensive lettering, color diagrams, etc. When all authors have the same (or no) conflicts and/or funding it is sufficient to use one blanket statement. Authors have an obligation to correct mistakes once they discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their published article. The trial registration number (TRN), date of registration and the words 'retrospectively registered should be included as the last line of the manuscript abstract. Toxicological Research. The statement must include (1) what was done, (2) how it was done, (3) how the data were analyzed, (4) a measure of variability, and (5) the significance of the results. SOT members receive free or discounted access to the journal. Most institutions will have specific policies on this subject. The journal contentspublished betweenyear 1985 and2019 are available here. The KSOT reserves the right to change the charges without prior notification. Author C has received speaker and consultant honoraria from Company M. Dr. C has received speaker honorarium and research funding from Company M and Company N. Author D has received travel support from Company O. The associate editor will check if the manuscript has been revised as suggested by reviewers. Journal authors resources. That implies learning the present and potential impact of not only chemical but also physical and biological toxicants in the . Easy compliance with funder and institutional mandates: Many funders require open access publishing, and some take compliance into account when assessing future grant applications. If the journal that youre submitting to uses double-blind peer review and you are providing reviewers with access to your data (for example via a repository link, supplementary information or data on request), it is strongly suggested that the authorship in the data is also blinded. providing transparency on re-use of material and mention any unpublished material (for example manuscripts in press) included in the manuscript in a cover letter to the Editor; making sure disclosures, declarations and transparency on data statements from all authors are included in the manuscript as appropriate (see above). Tohoku J. Exp. Reasons for changes in authorship should be explained in detail. Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 295-301, Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 303-310, Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 311-317, Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 319-330, Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 331-341, Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 343-351, Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 353-359, Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 361-369, Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 371-387, Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 389-394, Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 395-402, Toxicological Research 2019; 35(4): 403-410, Extrapolation of Hepatic Concentrations of Industrial Chemicals Using Pharmacokinetic Models to Predict Hepatotoxicity, Adaptive Responses to Electrophilic Stress and Reactive Sulfur Species as their Regulator Molecules, Toxicometallomics of Cadmium, Manganese and Arsenic with Special Reference to the Roles of Metal Transporters, Future Directions of Pharmacovigilance Studies Using Electronic Medical Recording and Human Genetic Databases, Molecular Markers in Sex Differences in Cancer, Implications for the Predictivity of Cell-Based Developmental Toxicity Assays Developed Two Decades Apart, Alleviation of Ultraviolet B-Induced Photoaging by 7-MEGA, 1,2-Dichloropropane (1,2-DCP)-Induced Angiogenesis in Dermatitis, Toxicological Evaluation of Saposhnikoviae Radix Water Extract and its Antihyperuricemic Potential, Study on Consumer Exposure to Sun Spray and Sun Cream in South Korea, Intracutaneous Delivery of Gelatins Reduces Fat Accumulation in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue, Theracurmin (Highly Bioavailable Curcumin) Prevents High Fat Diet-Induced Hepatic Steatosis Development in Mice, Basic Principles of the Validation for Good Laboratory Practice Institutes, Bio-Inspired Green Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Mechanism, and Antibacterial Application, The Role of Nrf2 in Cellular Innate Immune Response to Inflammatory Injury, Yoshito Kumagai, Masahiro Akiyama and Takamitsu Unoki, Seiichiro Himeno, Daigo Sumi and Hitomi Fujishiro, Young Hee Choi, Chang Yeob Han, Kwi Suk Kim and Sang Geon Kim, Satoshi Kawamura, Nobuyuki Horie, Noriko Okahashi and Hashihiro Higuchi, Kyo-Hyun Park, JiYeon Kim, Suryun Jung, Kyung-hwa Sung, Yeon-Kyoung Son, Jung Min Bae and Bae-Hwan Kim, Meiying Jin, Youngeun Hong, Hyunji Lee, Quangdon Tran, Hyeonjeong Cho, Minhee Kim, So Hee Kwon, Nak Heon Kang, Jisoo Park and Jongsun Park, Chang Won Kim, Jae Hyuck Sung, Jeong Eun Kwon, Hyeon Yeol Ryu, Kyung Seuk Song, Jin Kyu Lee, Sung Ryul Lee and Se Chan Kang, Mihyun Oh, Seoyoung Kim, Jieun Han, Sodam Park, Go Un Kim and Susun An, Sung-Min An, Min Jae Kim, Keum-Yong Seong, Jea Sic Jeong, Hyeon-Gu Kang, So Young Kim, Da Som Kim, Da Hee Kang, Seung Yun Yang and Beum-Soo An, Jin Won Yang, Hee Kyung Yeo, Jee Hye Yun and Jung Un Lee.

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toxicological research journal