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legal factors affecting airline industry

In February 2011, the EC also opened an investigation on the codeshare arrangement between Brussels Airlines and TAP Air Portugal, which is still ongoing. In 2020, the FCA brought a business interruption insurance test case in order to clarify issues of contractual uncertainty for policyholders and insurers during the coronavirus pandemic. 1.6 As regards international air carriers operating in your jurisdiction, are there any particular limitations to be aware of, in particular when compared with domestic or local operators? Looking slightly ahead, several other new aircraft are coming onto the market. 2.4 As a matter of local law, is there any concept of title annexation, whereby ownership or security interests in a single engine are at risk of automatic transfer or other prejudice when installed on-wing on an aircraft owned by another party? the drone cannot be flown above 400ft in altitude or 500m horizontally from the pilot; a drone weighing more than 250g must be registered with the CAA and the drone pilot must complete an online safety test, obtaining a Flyer ID and an Operator ID that should be attached to the drone; the drone must not be flown within 50m of people, vehicles, buildings or vessels (unless the drone weighs less than 250g); and. Shaw, A., 2021. Since then, a qualifying aircraft must be: i) used by an airline operating for reward chiefly on international routes; or ii) used by a State institution and of a weight of not less than 8,000kg and neither designed nor adapted for use for recreation or pleasure. Higher wages are the way out of this, but most airlines and operators are not in a position to offer this now. A potential mortgagee of a registered aircraft can pre-register a mortgage with the CAA by entering a priority notice, utilising CAA Form CA1330 (obtained from They are licensed and regulated by the CAA. 4.1 How does your jurisdiction approach and regulate joint ventures between airline competitors? Tensions remain high, and the confined aircraft cabin is never a good place for that. Government policies directly affect the airline industry. As the aviation business can be profitable in the long term, the government may want to invest. 3.7 What rights exist generally in law in relation to unforeseen events which might enable a party to an agreement to suspend or even terminate contractual obligations (in particular payment) to its contract counterparties due to force majeure or frustration or any similar doctrine or concept? In addition, as much of the aviation law in the UK stems from the EU, it will be important to keep a close eye on the development of plans post-Brexit. Managers have ______ direct influence over external forces in the firm's general environment than those in the firm's task environment. The proposal has made some progress with the CAA providing a written judgment in May 2020 to confirm that there would be no change to the design of flight paths in or out of the airport as a result of the new runway, which would have been an extensive process to undertake. The term socio-culture refers to the combination, or interaction, of social and cultural elements. Part A: External Economic Factors Affecting Airline Industry Introduction Few inventions have affected on a large scale how people live and experience the world as did the airline industry. Terrorism likewise remains a threat, and the risk increases with more political instability. Political factors:- It's still running with the name of Air India. The CAA maintains the United Kingdom Aircraft Mortgage Register (pursuant to the Mortgaging of Aircraft Order 1972). In order for the licence to be granted, the CAA must be satisfied that the applicant fulfils the conditions set out in EU Regulation 1008/2008, including that: 1.3 What are the principal pieces of legislation in your jurisdiction which govern air safety, and who administers air safety? In June 2014, the Court of Appeal held that a technical problem is not considered to be an extraordinary circumstance under Regulation 261 and accordingly cannot be used as a basis for an airline to escape from its obligation to compensate passengers for long delays, cancellations, rerouting and/or denied boarding ( v Huzar [2014] EWCA Civ 791). These factors include demographic, socio-cultural, economic, political-legal and also the natural factors. Civil Aviation Authority Regulations 1991 Statutory Instrument No 1672 1991. Aviation industry is all about technology. The Directive was approved by Parliament as a whole on 14 April 2016 and by the Council of the EU on 21 April 2016. Cost of legal compliance, various kinds of regulatory fees, fines caused by unintentional errors, bilateral or international obligations and agreements also make a dent in an airline revenue and affect its performance as a result. The data controller must notify the relevant authority without undue delay and, where feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of it. In certain respects, the CAA acts for EASA in the UK. The Court went on to state that Regulation 261 takes effect in English law (as amended by the changes to Regulation 261 by the Air Passenger Rights and Air Travel Organisers Licensing (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019) as follows: In Varano v Air Canada [2021] EWHC 1336 (QB), the High Court looked at the issue of delays to connecting flights, and the obligations of non-Community carriers where operations outside the EU are disrupted. In summary: (a) the agreement should generate efficiency gains for the parties or promote economic progress (e.g. 5.1 In your opinion, which pending legislative or regulatory changes (if any), or potential developments affecting the aviation industry more generally in your jurisdiction, are likely to feature or be worthy of attention in the next two years or so? An appeal from factual findings is usually difficult to pursue. Airlines are made responsible for air crashes or any other type of damage or disaster. Like most other businesses, the airline industry is also affected by the nation's unstable political condition. Now that the nature of the United Kingdoms exit from the EU is now clear, it will be necessary to focus more closely on long-term planning and reliance on relevant taxation rules and regulations as they become potentially subject to more regular change and variation. It represents airports' interests with governments and international bodies such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), develops standards, policies and recommended practices for airports, and provides information and training opportunities to raise standards around the world. New variants have caused major disruption before, though, and it would be wrong to ignore the possibility of this happening again. (g) firms carrying on business in Scotland; in this sub-paragraph firm has the same meaning as in the Partnership Act 1890 (c39). The whole world is connected via airlines. The airline industry remains a big and growing industry such that today, air travel has become commonplace as it is becoming more and more affordable to . Trademarks, patents and designs are registrable with the IPO. Also, you can find substantial PESTEL templates in our template community to have a quick start. These clauses usually suspend the obligation rather than terminate it completely. PESTEL analysis airline industry can show how the financial situation of a nation can impact the airline industry: The sociological conditions of any state gravely impact the airline industry. Interestingly, the coronavirus pandemic is thought to have encouraged this new proposal, as there have been calls to reform air traffic management in order to make it easier to adapt traffic capacities in accordance with demand (or a lack of, as has been the case during the pandemic). If you have any questions about flight planning and its complexities, feel free to contact our team today for more information. This section specifically discusses the US law of air transport. 4.9 In the event of a data loss by a carrier, what obligations are there on the airline which has lost the data and are there any applicable sanctions? In addition, this Title includes regulations regarding airspace and air traffic. It is also worth being mindful of the role that Artificial Intelligence (AI) may play in the future of the aviation industry. as a self-help remedy. Much of the domestic legislation originates from European legislation, and there is no aviation-specific policy (presumably on the basis that there are a number of contributors to poor air quality). The government taxes that are being imposed among other regulatory measures help to promote economic growth and to protect consumers from exploitation and other illegal factors. Under current legislation, policy formation in route and air transport licensing is the responsibility of the CAA, although the Secretary of State retains specified powers both of direction and of guidance. Case study: airline industry's covid meltdown. The rising cost of oil and other necessary machines can impact the airline industry. The EC based their decision on the fact that the Code no longer reflects market reality and that it may be revised in the future. Around the world, the number of people flying increased by 6.6% in 2017. It can help them to offer a safe and comfortable service. Airport operators have also been held liable where there was a known hazard and no effective system to discover and disperse birds, leading to bird strikes. In certain circumstances, these rights of detention will also include a power of sale of the relevant aircraft, or attach to the rest of the operating fleet of which the aircraft is a part despite different ownership. Liens in favour of maintenance organisations are widely considered to arise in common law; however, in the majority of cases the right of lien is expressed contractually and there is no requirement for improvement. The UK has a relatively low threshold of originality for a work to be considered an original work which is protected by copyright. As detailed above, the Montreal Convention became effective in the United Kingdom pursuant to the Carriage by Air Acts (Implementation of the Montreal Convention 1999) Order 2009 and it can be applied in the UK courts, without particular limitation, on that basis. The Ukraine/Russian situation is not the only threat either. Available at: (Accessed 21 June 2021). For example, London Heathrow is owned by Heathrow Airport Holdings Limited (formerly BAA) which is owned by FGP Topco Limited, a consortium led by Ferrovial SA; Aberdeen, Glasgow and Southampton airports are owned by AGS Airports Limited which is jointly held by Ferrovial SA (via Faero UK Holding Limited) and AGS Ventures Airports Limited; Manchester Airport is owned by Manchester Airports Group plc; and London Gatwick is owned by French VINCI Airports (majority shareholder) and Global Infrastructure Partners. Insecurity or war factors that affect particular countries always have a negative impact on the airline industry. There are several reasons for this. The legislation applicable to UK merger control is the Enterprise Act 2002 (the Act). It helps to analyze the business condition and potentials of any company or service. EU Regulation 376/2014 on the investigation and prevention of accidents and incidents in civil aviation. If there is not a force majeure clause in a contract, a party can argue that they are unable to meet contractual obligations due to the contract being frustrated. Aviation remains a high-profile terrorism target. Legal factors are external factors which refer to how the law affects the way businesses operate and customers behave. General examples of Legal Factors affecting business include: Twitter PESTLE Analysis: 6 Notable Factors Affecting the Social Network, How to Pursue a Career in Cybersecurity: 7 Professional Tips to Follow, General Mills SWOT Analysis: 3 Opportunities to Gain Competitive Advantage, Root Cause Analysis: An Easy 6-Step Complete Guide, Mayo Clinic SWOT Analysis 2023: Healthcare Business Checkup, 3 Top Tech Tools for the Modern Commercial Contractor, Laws have been introduced to prevent companies from Tesco from changing product prices without informing customers, Recently, there has been a crackdown on misinformation in product discounting (e.g. Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Apple Company 2241 Words | 9 Pages. much more than normal. Users of airports are subject to airport charges, which are regulated by the CAA under the Civil Aviation Act 2012 and the Airport Charges Regulation 2011. This is not a short-term problem and nor is it limited to London Heathrow. This includes new launches from Boeing and Airbus (most notably the 777X and the A321XLR), as well as new developments from new Russian and Chinese manufacturers. For international flights, the regulations are strict, and this situation may lead an airline to push for more amenities to keep up with the competitors. More complex or valuable cases will be heard in the Chancery Division of the High Court. This is mainly because of the risks associated and which can result in deaths or accidents or any irreparable damage. As part of the application procedure, the CAA may request additional information in order to process an application for registration (for example, a certified copy of a bill of sale evidencing the ownership of the aircraft to be registered). Aviation has always been a tough industry. Travelport, Amadeus, Sabre, etc. In Lipton & Anor v BA City Flyer Ltd [2021] EWCA Civ 454, the English Court of Appeal detailed how Regulation 261 claims will operate in the UK following Brexit. Dept. It can also be a responsible step to protect the environment. A change in circumstances has occurred after the contract was formed. Three days earlier . Nevertheless, in practice, it is generally advisable for the lessor or the mortgagee of a relevant aircraft registered with the CAA to pursue an application for repossession of the aircraft in court, particularly if there is any question as to whether a default has actually occurred and/or the relevant mortgagor or lessee of the aircraft concerned resists or is likely to resist repossession. There have been recent developments in relation to Regulation 261 in case law. Those Acts do not however apply to a registered mortgage of an aircraft (or aviation asset). Some of the legal factors that Southwest Airlines Co. leadership should consider while entering a new market are - Anti-trust law in Regional Airlines industry and overall in the country. Certified copies of the entries on the Mortgage Register are available at 31 per aircraft. In order to meet the changing demands of consumers, airlines are required to incorporate changes. Any catch-all phrases such as any other cause beyond the partys reasonable control have to be read in the context of the entire clause, and it has been held that an economic downturn does not fall under this (Tandrin Aviation Holdings Ltd and Aero Toy Store LLC and others [2010]). In most instances, the trial judge will be considered best placed to judge the facts of the case. This evaluation considers a demand-side perspective, whereby customers consider all possible alternatives of travelling from a city of origin to a city of destination, i.e. Oil prices hit a 13-year high in March 2022, although they has fallen back since then. Customs and excise authorities may detain an aircraft to enforce their charges against an operator. It constitutes notice of the relevant mortgage being given to all relevant third parties, and all persons are thereby deemed to have express notice of all of the details appearing in the United Kingdom Aircraft Mortgage Register. Overweight and obesity will challenge airports and airlines in the future. The Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) is a specialist court that deals with lower-value or lower-complexity intellectual property disputes. Politics and the airline industry go hand in hand - from . Given the pace at which AI technology is developing, it is feasible that it may begin to be implemented by airlines and airport operators commercially within the next few years to streamline parts of the passenger experience; for instance, scanning passengers through departures to their designated seats. Heathrow Airport Ltd sought to overturn this in the Supreme Court in October 2020. UK competition law in its own right reproduces in virtually identical form EU competition law and systems of competition law enforcement, sections 2 and 9 of the UK Competition Act 1998 (CA 1998) setting out provisions similar to the prohibition of anticompetitive agreements and the exemption criteria (Articles 101(1) and 101(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)). The limited case law in English law, which applies as precedent to the matter of the priority of aircraft liens and statutory detention rights, suggests strongly that an aircraft lien or statutory detention right will take priority over a registered aircraft mortgage. The market definition for airports is based on a catchment area of airports considered substitutable by passengers. Political and legal factors that impact the airline industry The airline industry is widely impacted by regulations and restrictions related to international trade, tax policy, and. 2.7 How are the Conventions applied in your jurisdiction? A party may challenge an arbitral award for lack of jurisdiction (section 67 of the Arbitration Act 1996). 1.1 Please list and briefly describe the principal legislation and regulatory bodies which apply to and/or regulate aviation in your jurisdiction. The initiative, which was launched in 2004, seeks to improve the European air traffic management system in order to reform the European airspace, from a perspective of capacity, efficiency and environmental impact. There are several factors that can positively affect the aviation industry and boost its growth such as the rise in purchasing power with the middle class and rapidly growing youth population, favorable demographics, economy flights/ Low Cost Carriers (LCC), growing tourism industry of India and a rise in passengers traveling by air within and As a practical matter, the principles of the Chicago Convention are implemented at the national level in the United Kingdom by the CAA. (d) it would not be in the public interest for the aircraft to be, or to continue to be, registered in the United Kingdom. The standby runway would not be lengthened so it could not be used for long-haul flights, according to the plan. Cutting off the problems before they arise will be a growing focus of many airlines. 'PESTLE Analysis | Generating Better Profit Margin for an Airline Industry', PESTLE Analysis, [online]. Commercial claims (see below) should be pursued in the Commercial Court of the Queens Bench Division of the High Court, or in the County Court. As for the disasters and accidents, on most occasions, Airlines are held responsible. English law as a rule recognises the concept of accession, which is similar to the nature of an annexation of title, for example by the owner of an aircraft to which an engine owned by another party is affixed. Customers tend to choose airlines based on the characteristics of their services, which include on-board amenities, safety, entertainment, and ground services (Wen & Yeh, 2010). Book records in the HOLLIS library catalog generally include one or more Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) ( Leases and other charges not constituting in rem rights in a G-registered aircraft (such as mortgages) cannot be registered, and there is no separate register maintained by the CAA for the registration of ownership rights in engines or parts. They play a big part in deciding how businesses operate and what profits they receive, as well as how customers behave. Subject to the above, pursuit of a claim in the High Court is appropriate where: A case may be started in the Commercial Court only if it fulfils the characteristics of a commercial claim; namely any claim arising out of the transaction of trade and commerce, including any claim relating to a business document or contract, the export or import of goods or the carriage of goods by land, sea, air or pipeline. ')6K- t>{wJW[ ^72sSg.F:ykSF|B|}x{=RlIL ^zmHYTvA~&"a 3j{r64d\&aL[1*)rsin?lA6fofnWsv?QSDx"CG6uQ5vo(-ve$w(q1M7VII%="?B*38Ut"p#P9A , Sf/p{9KJYvF]U>rag4 That is the reason why either increasing or decreasing of fuel price affect deeply on airline industry. A search of the United Kingdom Aircraft Mortgage Register for entries registered against relevant aircraft can be made by submitting a CAA Form CA350 (obtained from to the CAA. Moreover, airlines also struggled with increasing labour demands from the part of employees. Thats why were writing this series of articles about each one of the categories, including their definitions, importance, and plenty of examples. b) a ground handing company providing, as its primary function, any of the handling services listed in EU Directive 96/67/EC directly to an airport user for scheduled commercial flights at a commercial airport in England for a site or sites located in England. injunctions to prevent the other side from doing something or requiring the other party to do something; possession orders to take control of an aircraft and other aviation assets; and. Post-COVID, business travel is likely to be slow to recover with VFR and leisure traffic taking the lead. It requires more systematic collection, use and retention of PNR data on air passengers, and therefore has an impact on the rights to privacy and data protection. A working day legally comprises 8 hours and 48 hours a week. The ICO has the power to fine data controllers up to 17.5 million or 4% of annual worldwide turnover (whichever is higher) for breaches of the UK GDPR and DPA 2018. If proved, an airline will be liable to a fine not exceeding 5,000 for each offence. A court order obtained in this way reduces any risk of liability of the lessor or the mortgagee (as the case may be) of the relevant aircraft to third-party claims for compensation for losses due to a repossession (in the case of aircraft in scheduled operation in particular, such losses can be substantial), assists with ensuring the cooperation of the CAA with their issuing of necessary permissions for the continued flight of the aircraft affected, and is also presentable to any prospective third-party purchaser of the aircraft as proof of the right of the mortgagee, or indeed the owner, to sell the aircraft with good title, free of any trailing interests of the relevant mortgagor or lessee (subject to any other third-party rights over the relevant aircraft). (h) claim compensation for damage caused by a breach of the DPA 2018. Legal factors can decide whether or not there is a business behind selling a certain product (perhaps drugs, or sharp objects), and can also affect the mechanisms through which a company stocks their inventory or interacts with the customer. 'PESTLE Analysis of Airline Industry | Marketing Tutor', Marketing Tutor, [online]. Another political factor influencing the tourism industry worldwide is tax incentives. It may lead the companies to lower their prices, and as a result, thousands can lose their job. where the value of the turnover in the UK of the enterprise being taken over exceeds 70 million. 2.3 Are there any particular regulatory requirements which a lessor or a financier needs to be aware of as regards aircraft operation? Under the Civil Aviation Act 1982, the person managing or owning an aerodrome may detain an aircraft where its operator has not paid the applicable airport charges in respect of that aircraft, or of any other aircraft, which that operator operates. The relevant market may vary according to the type of passengers: premium and non-premium passengers; or time-sensitive and non-time-sensitive passengers. These regulations cover all aspects of the airline industry, including the airlines themselves (carriers), as well as their equipment (aircraft) and pilots (airmen). In the UK, Brexit has caused increased problems. Of course, one of the major events in 2022 has been the war in Ukraine. Prior to establishing or when in the process . Since September 11, 2001, several air carriers have sought to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, including United Airlines, the second-largest U.S. air carrier, US Airways, the seventh-largest U.S. air carrier, and several smaller competitors. However, it often provides non-conclusive prima facie evidence. By way of example only, restrictions and taxes which apply to international but not domestic carriers. Considering the vast regions that many airlines operate, the business environment is often regulated by on the political atmosphere in a particular market. These regulations cover all aspects of the airline industry, including the airlines themselves (carriers), as well as their equipment (aircraft) and pilots (airmen). However, it was limited to the airmail routes of European nations. Whilst socio-cultural factors can affect the performance of an individual working alone (e.g. The CAA regulates all aspects of the aviation industry. These forms of combined travel are protected as a package under the Directive; in particular, where the travel services are booked at the same time and as part of the same booking process or where they are offered for an inclusive price. SQ!eDNZ= )/cw@,q=Vdb@2#^ 1F*+Dd2 W_WMuOFb #edx-{~IDBl>mk_7Yfs5e6yon`N@) 9 ]Rw* R;Om56txFY$.cD;lzX^]BwSE2_1?g82fVaP$m$@x(\>#${FC*Z{kaA%I U(tST3"~5P=x}x"own~EU6u;xD%-xw;EBXE}nrA[sFP&$Sp$DY.&.h!4UP V\@I[Q,[O__}6on?v..>X~8>{?=W+[HV=V"+A 'z,h^19kH)N,Aj4TT|yomz[|hpYy|(|1?o+|Af|0tHM|YnmpCz6E &AIA1 h9#'fbH$e.t"Jzo\JqWns73,}:p Technological factors affecting Air Canada. Available at: (Accessed 21 June 2021). As a Regulation, it has direct effect in each EU Member State as well as the Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA). Political environment. These obligations are generally complemented by contractual monitoring rights, established in the relevant loan or lease agreements, which include requirements to provide statement of account letters, authorising information regarding relevant payments giving rise to liens, to be provided directly to the mortgagee by the relevant regulatory authority. The limits of liability for air carriers pursuant to the Montreal Convention have been subsequently amended by way of the Carriage by Air (Revision of Limits of Liability under the Montreal Convention) Order 2009. Pledges to half carbon emissions are leading to changes in aircraft technology, fuel, and even aircraft tracking and spacing.

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legal factors affecting airline industry