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university of oradea erasmus

The documents are returned sorted on relevance depending on order, proximity, frequency of terms. University of Oradea mai 2017 https . UO Management. Utrecht: HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. 1. Students on bachelors- masters- and PHD-level can take part in Erasmus+ mobility. 2, which is part of the present methodology, all rubrics filled in entirely, in two copies; b) The studies document copy and legally certified translation which allows the access of the candidate to the respective education program (the baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent); c) Academic records copy and legally certified translation for the completed studies and the analytical curriculum in case of candidates that request equivalence for certain periods of studies; d) Birth certificate copy and legally certified translation; e) Copy of the passport valid at least 6 months after the date when the letter of acceptance to studies is issued; f) Medical certificate (in a widespread international language) to prove that the person to be registered for studies does not suffer from infectious diseases or other illnesses that are incompatible with the future profession; (1) The candidates will send the files directly to the chosen accredited high education institutions. Short History. Nijmegen: Radboud University Nijmegen. Ziua de Vest. Erasmus student - Sociology. 19. ), university language certificate, or OLS, Civil Industrial and Agricultural Construction, Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Protection, International Relations and European Studies, Geography, Tourism and Teritorial Planning. This website is not related to the European Union and the European Commission either. Annual fees for European Union Residents: 500 / regular year Study in Romania! UTM began its history in 1990. It behaves like an OR logic. On 10 January 2000, in Oradea was founded the Agora Foundation as a non profit, non governmental, non-political, independent organization, having a humanitarian and non-patrimonial purpose and it was enrolled into the Register of associations and foundations as a private juridical entity. Preference will be give to staff who have supervised students in Moi and other Universities. List with accredited state and private high education institutions in Romania, 4. (2) The citizens from EU third countries are registered for studies in Romania by the accredited universities, based on their own methodology and considering the studies documents. Die Universitt Oradea war zusammen mit anderen ffentlichen Universitten in Rumnien am aus dem Programm PHARE 1996 finanzierten Programm Hochschulreform beteiligt. Example: -wiki forum will find objects that do not contain wiki but contain forum. italya'nn puglia blgesindeki unutulmu ehir. The graduates holding a bachelors degree diploma or equivalent for a similar duration of studies for the respective specialization in Romania can apply for admission to the IInd university studies cycle of masters degree so that cycle I and cycle II gather minimum 300 ECTS credits. The University of Oradea. The University of Oradea is collaborating with 214 universities, institutes, and companies from 31 countries. Admission requirements for non-EU students, 8. It also offers 1.68 billion for activities with partner countries. Eligibility criteria to participate in Erasmus+ University of Oradea (Oradea, Romania) Erasmus Code: Agreement Type: Start Datetime/End Datetime: Agreement Date: Area Code: ISCED Code: Is active? Mai multe activiti de Camelia Hodisan It's amazing how our brain can make sense of what at first look, seems like complete jibberish! Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest ( UTM ) - private nonprofit higher education institution in Romania. TOFEL, IELTS Cambridge, etc. University of Oradea is a private university located in Oradea, Romania. 2022 -Heute 2 Monate. 114, Oficiul Postal 1, Strada Universitii nr.1 410087 Oradea, Bihor, Romania Deadlines Deadlines for submitting the application forms for Erasmus students: Full year or 1st semester: June 30 2nd semester: November 30 About students dorms Structure of the academic year 2021-2022 Together with the other public universities in Romania, the University of Oradea was also involved in the Higher Education Reform programme funded by PHARE in 1996. Information for Erasmus students in UORADEA, Universitatea din Oradea, Oradea, Romania: blogs, experiences and photos. e) Birth certificate copy and legally certified translation; The high education institutions will analyze the files and send to the Ministry of National Education General Department for International Relations, a list of persons that are nominated to receive the Letter of Acceptance to Studies. Erasmus Oradea, Oradea. This website is just a Social Network or Online Community for international students and is not related in any way to the ERASMUS trademark. Management of Human Resources: 2 years + 1 preparatory year (if any); Art. (5) When registering, the candidates will present the documents from the Application file, in original, certified for authentication by the Embassy of Romania to the issuer country or endorsed with apostille of Hague, if the previous studies were not completed in Romania, in a European Union country or in accordance with the legal assistance agreements signed between Romania and third countries. Be an international student at Agora University! UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Licence's Degree Program: ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Fundamental Field: ENGINEERING SCIENCES Undergraduate Field: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Duration of studies / no. (1) The graduates of high-school that have baccalaureate diploma or an equivalent diploma that allows general access to accredited high education institutions can be registered for Cycle I of university bachelors degree studies. Website-ul oficial al Universitatii din Oradea. Structuri Interne. 2001 - 2005. CERCETARE 3. Example: +wiki +(>forum < blog) will find objects that contain wiki and forum or wiki and blog in any order. Have you made up your mind about your destination? Erasmus students Universitatea din Oradea. With a budget of 14.7 billion for 2014-2020, it provides opportunities for over 4 million participants to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad. Results achieved in several programs involving international collaboration - in mobility programs such as Socrates, PHARE . Art. University of Oradea - public higher education institution in Romania. Faculties. Have worked as a post graduate student supervisor for over five years and has supervised at least 15 post graduate students who have graduated. d) Academic records copy and legally certified translation for the completed studies; Application. Decision Response: As receiving institution, the University of Oradea will send its decision within 8 weeks. The university masters degree studies involve a period of 1 2 years and are finalized with the presentation of a dissertation and the obtaining of a master diploma. ICCCC2014. ), university language certificate, or OLS, Medical Insurance (for EU students - European Health Insurance Card), Liability Insurance (only for placement mobility), Medical Certificate (for non-EU students only) -in English to prove that the applicant does not suffer from contagious diseases (HIV, TBC, Hepatitis C) or other illnesses incompatible. Faculti. ERASMUS is a registered trademark owned by the European Union and represented by the European Commission. During 2008-2013, through the ERASMUS program the University of Oradea focused on the development of international relations with various . The project covers Tourism, Textile & Leather Technology. TOFEL, IELTS Cambridge, etc. Public Information. Reports and Strategies, Interdisciplinary Doctoral School. Bondrea, as part of the teaching activities of this foundation. For example, run* will find: Add a tilde ( ~ ) before a term to reduce its value indicate to the ranking of the results. To apply for an Erasmus study period at Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad, the students must send by email, to, the following documents: Student ERASMUS+ application form Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies Student accommodation request form Transcript of Records (in English) 1 Photo Copy of ID/Passport Introduce yourself to the. III. The high education institutions will analyse the files and send to the Ministry of National Education General Department for International Relations, a list of persons that are nominated to receive the Letter of Acceptance to Studies. This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Oradea in 2021 / 2022 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Andrei Stepan. View all Erasmus in Oradea Medical University. Be seen by many travelers. Add a minus sign ( - ) before a term to indicate that the term must not appear in the results. The lecturers, who represent department of international relations and European studies of University of Oradea, were guests scholars within Erasmus Teaching Mobility project within the period May 13-18. European Union, Romania. EDUCAIE. Dr.H.C. We have 2 kinds of dormitory: one for girls and one for boys (IMPORTANT: the dormitories are not mixt); The students will have to share the room (3 students in room); The price is 150 RON (local currency) per month (at the beginning you have to pay 10 RON for the key - you will get your money back when you will leave and give back the key . By default, all search terms are optional. The University is known for its Programs in Higher Education. Sursa: Ziua de Vest. STUDENTI 4. Termination of Agreement: A unilateral decision to discontinue the exchanges notified to the other party by 1 . With its four colleges and 18 faculties, has a total of 123 fields of study for undergraduates and 151 post-graduate specialisation degrees. Activiti i societi:Erasmus placement in Mlaga, Spain Universitatea din Oradea Universitatea din Oradea BA International Relations and European Studies. Nominations should be sent by email to together with the following, additional details: To apply for an Erasmus study period at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, the students must send by email, to, the following documents: The deadline for submitting application documents is: 1st of July - for students coming for the first semester /full academic year; 1st of December for students coming for the second semester. . This website is not related to the European Union and the European Commission either. we start the process with clock and reset parameters. For updated information and the regulations into force in Romania relating to the COVID-19 outbreak please follow the links:, 4 bit johnson counter example with vhdl language. Activiti i societi:Erasmus scholarship at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, major in Media and Communication . 17. Erasmus International Week @ West University of Timisoara. EurLex-2. Zurck Senden. Australia & Oceania. If you have photos of typical places, university campus, sights, landscapes, gastronomy, people, parties, etc. 707/2012 on approving the List of fields and university specializations/programs, the structure of the high education institutions, the authorized or temporary authorized university fields and programs, the geographic development locations, the number of transferable study credits for each study program, education type or teaching language, as well as the maximum number of students that can be schooled, updated by the Ministry of National Education. Upload photos of Oradea Medical University! please run johnsoncounter.ise with xilink. Art. Annual fees for non EU residents (accommodation and daily meals are not included), Accountability and Management Information Systemss, 4. VHDL - 4 bit Johnson Counter. If you have photos of typical places, university campus, sights, landscapes, gastronomy, people, parties, etc Upload your photos! South Africa, Egypt, Kenya. 2, all rubrics filled in entirely, in two copies; 2) or 170 RON/month (Student Dorm no. wiki forum will be rated higher. They will carry out their Erasmus mobilities from 16th to 20th September 2019 and meet with the Vice-rector for International Relations, Assoc. University of Oradea. (3) When registering, the candidates will present the documents from the Application file, in original, certified for authentication by the Embassy of Romania to the issuer country or endorsed with apostille of Hague, if the previous studies were not completed in Romania, in a European Union country or in accordance with the legal assistance agreements signed between Romania and third countries. Facultatea de Construcii, Cadastru i Arhitectur, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica si Tehnologia Informatiei, Facultatea de Inginerie Energetica si Management Industrial, Facultatea de Inginerie Manageriala si Tehnologica, Facultatea de Istorie Relatii Internationale Stiinte Politice si Stiintele Comunicarii, Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxa Episcop Dr. Vasile Coman, Departamentul pentru Asigurarea Calitatii (DAC), Sistemul de Evaluare si Asigurare a Calitatii (SEAQ), Sistem de control managerial intern (SCMI), Erasmus Plus - Mobiliti - Personal - TA, Erasmus Plus - Mobiliti - Personal - TA - Documente, Erasmus Plus - Mobiliti - Personal - ST, Erasmus Plus - Mobiliti - Personal - ST - Documente, Studenti din Uniunea Europeana, Spatiul Economic European si Confederatia Elvetiana, Studenti din state terte Uniunii Europene, Spatiului Economic European si Confederatiei Elvetiene, Erasmus - Cursuri intensive de limbi straine, Internationally recognized language certificate (e.g. The use of cookies is important for the proper functioning of this site. Agora University participates in an Erasmus + project: entrepreneurship through creativity in education. facebook. g) Medical certificate (in a widespread international language) to prove that the person to be registered for studies does not suffer from infectious diseases or other illnesses that are incompatible with the future profession. because this . c) The studies document copy and legally certified translation which allows the access of the candidate to the respective education program (bachelors degree diploma or its equivalent); Admission tax (file processing): 100 EUR 2. Managementul Calitii. Dean's Office: Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences, Dean's Office: Faculty of Economic Sciences, Staff of the Agora Press Publishing House, Career Counseling and Guidance Center (CCGC), Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, Public Safety and the need of high social capital, IIIrd edition, European Center for Preventing and Combating Cross-Border Crime (ECPCCBC), Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Relationship (CEBR), International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, Agora International Journal of Economical Sciences, Agora International of Administration Sciences, Incoming / Outgoing Erasmus mobilities for Students (SMS + SMP), Incoming / Outgoing Erasmus Mobilities for Teachers (TA+ST). Adina The University of Oradea is a accredited public university located in Oradea in north-western Romania. Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. Upload your photos! Application for the issuance of letter of acceptance to studies, 10. univ. Add a less than ( < ) or greater than ( > ) sign before a term to change the term's contribution to the overall relevance value assigned to a object. . ERASMUS is a registered trademark owned by the European Union and represented by the European Commission. RIFA2 (Romanian - Indian Friendship Agora Academic Association) Contact University of Oradea offers to our students the necessary training to contribute to society development. Call for Application: Erasmus+ Mobilities at the University of Oradea, Romania 2021 Published on 17 September 2021 . There are over 800 international students enrolled in various Faculties. Studii Doctorat. University of Oradea (Oradea, Romania) Erasmus Code: Agreement Type: Start Datetime/End Datetime: Agreement Date: Area Code: ISCED Code: Is active? By continuing navigation on this website you agree with their use. THE STUDENT-ATHLETES FINDER Hundreds of European Universities want to support athletes Be seen by many travelers. Please send all the required documents by,, or post to the following address: C.P. 21. Quality Management. Destinations. Application process and the cost of tuition. It has an urban campus located in Bucharest. 1). Diploma exam: 300 EUR 4. (4) The registration will be carried out according to the timeline set by the accredited high education institution where the candidate applied. 22/2009 on establishing the minimum amount of the school fees, in foreign currency, for citizens that study in Romania on their own expense, from countries that are not members of the European Union and from those countries that are not part of the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. Friday 28 Oct 2022. With 15 faculties, the university has a. b) The baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent copy and legally certified translation; UNIC, a European alliance of ten universities, fosters diversity and inclusion by enabling mobility of students and staff between universities. The University of Oradea ( UO or U of O) ( Romanian: Universitatea din Oradea) is an accredited public university located in Oradea in north-western Romania . For example, wiki forum will find: Add a plus sign ( + ) before a term to indicate that the term must appear in results. Universitas Oradea memiliki 15 fakultas dengan total 123 bidang studi yang salah satunya adalah bidang studi geografi. Jump to Content; Loading. The list of the accredited state and private high education institutions is stipulated in the Government Decision no. Transcripts of Records : A Transcript of Records will be issued by the University of Oradea no later than five weeks after the assessment period has finished iv. Within the framework of the Leonardo programme, no centralised project coordinated by the University of Oradea was funded. Example: +wiki forum will find objects containing at least wiki. The application file will include the following documents: Contribute to umit-ozturk/Logic-Design-II-Course-at-University-of-Oradea-2018-Erasmus development by creating an account on GitHub. The university claims this has been done according to the model used by Harvard University. Students have the opportunity to study for a semester or even a whole year, in Erasmus mobility, at one of the 24 partner universities in Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, France, Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Croatia, Hungary and so on; student dormitories on the UO campus, offer accommodation for students residing in another locality than Oradea unutulmu derken, tarihi eserlerine gereken deer verilmemi, gereken reklam yaplmam, tm gzellikleriyle kyda kede kalm deil; gerekten unutulmu, adam edilmemi, irkince, pis bir ehir.. "neden buraya geldin ki?" diye sorar sakinleri, anlatamazsnz. 114, Oficiul Postal 1, Strada Universitii nr.1. All rights reserved. Application process and the cost of tuition. Asia. Objects with both terms and many occurences of the terms will appear first. The Erasmus + Office of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (Erasmus + UPB Office) has been operating since 1998, initially under the name of the Socrates Department, then under different names according to the title of the programmes launched by the European Commission. f) Copy of the passport valid at least 6 months after the date when the letter of acceptance to studies is issued; Our research was coordinated by Imed Bouchrika, PhD, a computer scientist with a well-established record of collaboration on a number of international research projects with different partners from the academic community. The General Department for International Relations will issue the Letter of Acceptance to Studies and send it to the high education institutions. nvmnt la Distan . When you have been granted an Erasmus study place at Rga Stradi University (RSU) by your home university, the Erasmus coordinator of your home university needs to send an official nomination to RSU. Lodging costs (including 10 meals (lunch) served at the student cafeteria): 250 RON/month (Student Dorm no. Berufserfahrung Kitchen Worker McDonald's Okt. Activiti i societi:Erasmus Program Colegiul National Emanuil Gojdu Informatics. The list of the accredited state and private high education institutions is stipulated in the Government Decision no. Art. by Erasmusu in Erasmus forum Oradea, one year ago Roommate Admission requirements for EU students, 5. Art. Erasmus students Universitatea din Oradea. Greding, Bavaria, Germania Waitress Restaurant la Zenovia Mrz . 2 (6), December 2013 ISNN 2084-0497 gpsj UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA - A POLARIZING CENTER . 587 likes. University of Oradea Licentiate degree International Economics. Internal Structures (2) When registering, the candidates will present the documents from the Application file, in original, certified for authentication by the Embassy of Romania to the issuer country or endorsed with the Hague apostille, if the previous studies were not completed in Romania, in a European Union country or in accordance with the legal assistance agreements signed between Romania and third countries. nr. General. Tuition and Fees for International Students at Agora University (bachelor and master) 1. University of Oradeastarted accepting students in 1990. This website is just a Social Network or Online Community for international students and is not related in any way to the ERASMUS trademark. Annual fees for European Union Residents: 500 / regular year, 1. Within the framework of the Erasmus + program of the European Union for exchange of academic and administrative staff in which the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje is active participant from 22nd to 26th October, 2018, UTMS hosted four renowned professors from Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Spatial Planning at Oradea University in Romania. More information is available here. In perioada 24-28 octombrie 2022, Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara, prin Biroul Erasmus din cadrul Departamentului de Relatii Internationale, organizeaza cea de-a XI-a editie a evenimentului anual . Before leaving Brasov: Erasmus Incoming students have to be nominated by their host university. (3) The school fees for foreign citizens from third countries is stipulated in the Government Ordinance no.

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