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divine feminine shadow work

We can picture this scenario by observing two children squabbling in the backyard. Working consistently with this has allowed in more peace with myself. This is especially hard for specific individuals who take everyones emotions into consideration. Click through to find out. As we enter an age where everyone is enlightened and "woke," many are interested in delving into the depths of their shadow. Hi Rene, thanks for connecting here. Do you have any advice to share? Therefore, this article is for everyone who is interested in creating more inner balance and shining that out into the world. While slowing down is difficult at first, keep at it. I dont want to be evil and I dont want to be in a place no male should be. You have no idea what's actually down there because you haven't even walked down the steps to take a look. Check it out here. You learn that things are not the way you thought they were. Our divine feminine energy is made to dance between worlds - it is made to traverse between the ego vs soul and dismantle all the limiting beliefs, old stories, and wounds that are keeping us small. Such beautiful poetry, thank you for sharing Linda! Fear and pain are two alleys we'd rather not walk down. The wounded healer appears in cycles of disempowerment, enabling, and abuse. So why is masculine energy destroying the planet? We mirror our wounds to one another, triggering and invoking our darkness which makes us feel unsafe with each other. Hy ya all i am long follower of lonerwolf, as i never fitted in and still dont. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'innershadowwork_com-box-4','ezslot_1',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-innershadowwork_com-box-4-0');Many women have grown up more on the side of passivity. The Divine Feminine is a form of energy that all beings possess. I feel I need both as Im negative in both and ashamed to develop both. I have been called to first identify my divine feminine and am currently figuring out how to show up as a divine feminine. If you are 18+ and are interested, gohere. A divine feminine archetype is when a woman embodies the highest expression of her feminine energies. Check out our divine feminine work selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. To them, youll seem insensitive, a bit commanding, and even restricting. Whether we're aware of it or not, Scorpio season makes us feel things; often, things we've been avoiding. Feminine empowerment is a byproduct of embracing the spiritual shadow work that heals the divine feminine wounds and dismantles the dark feminine shadows. I hope that helps to answer your question Bluebird. So stop right now and ask yourself, How am I feeling? (If you struggle to label your emotions, search for emotions chart on Google images and print one out.). A Light Among Shadowsis a guide on self-love and being. You can talk to a therapist, journal, or meditate. Sadly, the result is that most of us struggle to differentiate the voice of fear from intuition. How to Develop & Achieve Earned Secure Attachment Style. Death and rebirth are a constant cycle through our journey of personal development and spiritual growth. For many women, the quality of aggression has been thrown into the shadow.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'innershadowwork_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_7',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-innershadowwork_com-medrectangle-4-0'); This is primarily due to both sexes relating to aggression in different ways. You may not realize it, but your shadow side makes an appearance every now and again. This usually involves her getting in touch with her shadow and seeking integration. If you liked my tips, check outA Light Among Shadows: A Guide to Self-Love & Beingfor more relevant gems. By integrating her shadow, she learns to tap into her aggressiveness. Slowing down, for instance, could be as simple as turning off your phone and going outside to enjoy the sunset. Click through to learn the signs of rebirth, how to integrate, and trust the spiritual process for your highest good. Once youve found someone (or a few teachers) you admire, put a picture of them somewhere special to honor the Divine Feminine. Instead, this aggression is necessary for self-protection and preservation. Dismiss, Heal Your Inner Child, Discover Your Shadow Self. . Males need to get over their immaturity surrounding femininity, and females need to step more into their power. As an active force, the Divine Masculine is responsible for progress and evolution. And its usually followed by a nihilistic phase that eventually brings you into a new existential perspective. To honor the yin energy within you, connect with your body. Getting to know our emotional landscape will empower us to develop self-love and self-compassion which are doorways into the Divine Feminine. But we can do our best, understanding that no matter how many mistakes we make, we are loved. But physical changes in my face and body as well. Why do we go through karmic relationships? Thank you both Sol and Luna for your wealth of information, both inward and by sure and truthful study. Soul retrieval is an exercise of becoming whole and you don't have to have a practitioner to do . They learn that youcantcontrol another human being. Are you a spiritual traveler? Listen to your Souls calling. Keep up the amazing work. Imagine a home with a huge basement. You will be the one who takes up the responsibility of guiding someone who has yet to become their own. Reclaiming the feminine means reclaiming divine feminine energy embodied as powerful. A struggle for identity and power taking place in the world..we need the voice of reason, balance and understanding. The shadow is one of four archetypes that play a role in influencing human behavior. Display a Gravatar image next to my comments. Things that you repressed and don't address have a way of seeping out from time to time. We are meant to harness the Shadow and merge it with the Light. This is why it can feel doubly challenging to be more assertive with those used to your overly accommodating behavior. Who has been there to consistently put him in his place? Thank you so much for sharing this article through the subscription-messages, this is just what I needed right now as Im in great need of both balance, stability and slowing down in my life nowadays, even more lately, through the Divine Feminine. i am going to start tapping therapy to treat my physical pains .dear universe ( god the lord etc) I trust you but why:) but also love will win always . Women are healers. Why has Divine Masculine energy entered the dark side? A kundalini awakening is all of this. Shadow work is the practice of bringing awareness to your darkest shadows and meeting all of the fear, shame, and trauma you've repressed over the years. Sexuality is both powerfulandfrightening. With that being said, lets break down the shadow side of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine: Of course, no person has purely Divine Feminine OR Divine Masculine shadow qualities we tend to have a mixture of both. For years, you've been throwing junk and garbage down there, to the point where you merely open the basement door and just toss things in. It helped my inner fields to grow more in education cooperation and a deeper understanding of lesbian defense systems and narcissistic ways. We need to be aware of our shadow selves in order to move into the light. Get into the habit of assigning a word to how you feel. 15 people found this helpful. Aletheia is a prolific psychospiritual writer, author, educator, and guide whose work has touched the lives of millions worldwide. You'll either act erratically out of nowhere, feel intense emotions, be triggered by an external force, or have nightmares or weird dreams. Meeting a soul mate is a life-changing experience, but meeting your Twin Flame alters every cell of your being. This share came in perfect time and Ill also treat this as a sign from the universe as well, because the importance of the awakening and connecting with the Divine Feminine seems to have popped up here and there through various sources in my life lately, and then this article! If we don't understand what is happening when it is, it makes it very challenging to sustain the potential available. By learning how to love yourself, you are better equipped to show true compassion to others. Journal about these questions and do some self-reflection. What is the solution? So where does that leave Divine Feminine energy? This article explains a lot to me regarding DM & DF as a female the pull of the DF in me is strong at the moment. Birth, Sustenance and Destruction. Welcome! It is a freed heart, body, sexuality, sensuality, creative life force, and intuitive guiding light. But all things in life have a dark side that is an intrinsic realization we must come to terms with on our spiritual journeys. Sometimes you will need to cut ties and be willing to leave social circles behind to force people to take back the projections of their idea of you. Reclaim your inner Goddess, tap into the roots of deep sexual healing, sexual awakening, desire, and your inner truth, and set your uninhibited, wild heart free. It's letting your divine feminine energy flow uninhibitedly, and shamelessly. This is a powerful way to free up your life force energy, embody goddess energy and awaken the Divine Feminine. But this defensive strategy can easily be destroyed by someone who isnt well-intentioned and can tell its your only line of defense. Hoarding those emotions is like having a basement full of junk; it's not sanitary. After the meditation I encourage you to spend some time journaling & record any wisdom or insight you received during the meditation. Even if slowing down needs to be scheduled into your day, make sure its a priority. It is known by many names such as shakti, yin, and lunar energy, and is often connected symbolically with the moon, Gaia (Mother Earth), and water. Many blessings now and always. Yet looking on both sides, I discovered that the feminine elements expressed showed some degree of in my thoughts of failure eg how controlling, obsessive, selfish and inconsiderate I had become inside. However, your sexual appetite is, man or woman, feel free to fulfill it.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'innershadowwork_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_12',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-innershadowwork_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); Understand that not everyone will agree with your appetites. It's time to take our power back ladies. Engage in your own shadow work; Focus on helping and supporting from the sidelines, rather than taking control . It's time to reclaim the feminine in its true, and wild form. Yet because so many of us live in our heads, we become disconnected from our hearts and souls (the source of our intuition!). THATS MINE, the little boy thunders aggressively, trying to intimidate the little girl into giving back his favorite toy. The Divine Feminine is a form of energy that all beings possess. But when that love comes from inside you feel like you belong *wherever* you are! Its still an awkward, self-conscious, and insecure force that has come to believe (like a naive child) that power comes from overshadowing others. Shes going to do what shes going to do. Thank you for sharing this Joyce. . You can begin your search in your friend or family circle, and extend it to authors, artists, therapists/counselors, historical and religious icons, and modern feminine figures. Try to enjoy the little things and practice being grateful. Your email address will not be published. The goddess within, the divine feminine, your higher self, is far too large for societal definitions of good and bad. But not just in females (although women certainly have an easier time accessing it), but in all beings. Sometimes that thing you thought you despised is precisely what you needed to learn and make peace with. This article broaches some very well-placed information that can guide and help both genders to find a balance and complete harmony which is much needed in the great reset or new age coming in now. The over-abundance of the divine masculine is experienced as rigid, unyielding, violent, or rageful tendencies in a personality. This inner knowing is in their bones. In those moments, you need to stop and examine WHY you're feeling the way that you feel. What habits and behaviors do you bring into the world that indirectly or directly oppress the Divine Feminine? The Divine Feminine represents life itself and is associated with creation, nurture, intuition and empathy, and so much more, in each and every one of us. Hello, Healing sexual trauma, and reclaiming our sexual energy as women is an act of soul retrieval, calling home the fragmented parts of our inner Goddess. This willingness to objectify the other sex is also a boundary that allows a person to focus more on themselves to become established for their later years. He plays the persecutor. Fierce Feminine Shadow Work - Changing How You Deal with Fear & Pain Fierce Feminine Shadow Work It must be part of the cosmic joke that our liberation lies in the last place we'd think or want to look - our pain. Now, lets look at the light side of the Feminine and Masculine energies. Your email address will remain 100% private. We get to decide between courage or denial. At the end of the day, others arent really going to fulfill that deep hole within me that longs to be seen, heard, and loved love and acceptance from others can be so fleeting and therefore precarious/ultimately unstable. In conclusion, by not advancing in the normal male way and making a complete ass of myself, I had discovered this gentleness that I have in a personality sense from my dear Mom and Sisters which helped me not only forgive the other party and myself but to deal and heal with my own insides. The only way to move through these blocks is to see right through them. Psychiatrist Carl Jung called them archetypes, and more recently, psychotherapist Richard C. Schwartz (founder of Internal Family Systems) refers to them as parts.. We see the Great Mother portrayed through the ages in numerous forms; as the Virgin Mary, Lakshmi, Isis, Sophia, Mother Nature, Kali you name it. Only when we change ourselves can true change in the world happen. Self-deprecation is for those who are capable of being the bigger bully. Not someone who is looking to hide. Your only defense is to give away what you have in hopes that you dont arouse ill feelings in others. How she had somehow tuned into my thought patterns believing I was both destructive to her and to be feared. When theres too much compassion, there is self-martyrdom and co-dependency, and when theres too little, theres cruelty. Be honest with yourself. It's the path of the infinite soul growth that comes with becoming deeply self aware. Both of us were to blame for causing a car park ripple in the continuum, and the rumble in the downstairs carpark which has left both sides silent/not on speaking terms. However, your personal wounds might be totally different. A persons worth is not based on how much they do. We are in the age of reclaiming the feminine. Start here . Thanks so much for this! To begin cultivating your intuition, try any of the following practices: You can also read my article on how to trust your intuition for more guidance. But in doing so, they are also putting themselves down. 7 days of healing the divine feminine and the myths you've embodied around feminine sexuality, feminine empowerment, and your sexual energy as a woman. As the nature of life is growth and change, we need that force, and we have needed it since the dawn of time. I will ideally explore this more in the future. How large must we become? There seems to be a path that women follow in their individuation. Click through to uncover the truth about divine feminine sexuality so you can claim your true feminine power. She holds back, allowing us free reign to choose, nudging us occasionally with synchronicities, illness, births and deaths But when we make space for Her, she rushes into all the gaps, engulfing us with her desire for life and expression. All traits innate to the Divine Feminine and Masculine are neutral, its only when they come out of balance that they become an issue. So with that being said, heres how to start this sacred inner work: This might sound strange, but the reality is that we are composed of many subpersonalities. To be whole and balanced beings, we need to honor both sides of our nature: the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine also known in Jungian terms as the anima and animus. But the shadow side of the Divine Masculine is its preoccupation with power. All comments are moderated before being published. This can be daunting because you are forced to face your pain instead of running from it or pretending it doesn't exist. By hiding in the shadows and forgetting her own power, the domineering shadow side of the Divine Masculine has been permitted to get out of control. Every day more women (and men) are slowly waking up to what has been lost. Power has been misrepresented by toxic masculinity and the patriarchy for far too long. Try to think about when you first felt that feeling or experienced that issue. Are you feeling tired, moody, excited, intrigued, sad, nostalgic, disillusioned, surprised? This series goes over consciousness, spirituality, philosophy, and makes sense of why people are the way they are. It's letting your divine feminine energy flow uninhibitedly, and shamelessly. Click through to learn why you don't love your body and how change it. Click through to learn what it is and how to do it on yourself. Lately, the term "shadow work" is being used all over the place. Our names are Luna & Sol and were spiritual educators and guides currently living in Perth, Western Australia. If somebody wants to have sex with many people, a few people, or not at allthere is no shame in that. If you've ever done it, then you know it's challenging and emotionally taxing. God made a male and a female. Learn its language. It disconnects us from our feminine power, feminine embodiment, our sexual energy, and even aspects of our spirituality. You should start using them. We can ignore the warning signs and the cries for help within because we think we should be stronger, or we can look at ourselves in relativity to our whole story, considering why we are the way we are and summon self- compassion and self-forgiveness. The shadow is a part of our unconscious mind that's filled with repressed ideas and emotions, weaknesses, desires, instincts, failures, and anything else that society may deem "undesirable.". But feminine energy is about being receptive, passive, and living in the moment. By committing to a sustainable, low-waste, and ethical way of living, we are putting our head where our heart is. In fact, a persons worth isnt externally based at all. I am so grateful for the techniques to get acquainted with those parts of myself and heal them. until I get to the foundation of that emotion or issue. 3. An excessive sense of self-importance. i read and follow E.Tolle and E harri .i have at this moment only hetero friends who knows I am gay and have worries about it so what is going on. Alienated by others within my own block of flats, to be seen as Mr Nasty! Luna & Sol Pty Ltd 2012 - 2022 It's powerfuland often uncomfortable. Shadow work heals us on a deep soul level and opens the space for us to fully love and accept all parts of ourselves. What Is Your True Color Personality Type? It's been hidden behind our preconception of what a "desirable woman" is. She plays the victim. Her mother loves her and has always loved her. Sometimes focusing on sexual conquest since this newfound existential position comes with a distorted view of the opposite sexadopting a willingness to objectify them,which is normalat this phase of life (although not healthy). The nature of one makes necessary the other. This is typically when a young man lets go of his innocent (and nave) fantasy for marriage. To be able to be clear about ones wants and voice ones judgment. All that means is thatyou've got to be aware of your shadow side and address it. You might like to create or print out a picture that resembles your inner Divine Mother and put her somewhere important in your house. Its amazing , would love to read more articles like this . Destructive karmic relationship: how to get rid of it? Not reacting with pseudo-aggression haphazardly. I have been struggling with embracing the receptive chair and stop allowing my masculine energy to control my actions. Rise sisters rise. She is the decay and dissolution of matter. Our spiritual paths, our choices, our very lives are not separate from the greater Whole. Essentially, this practice involves standing in front of your household mirror every day and repeating loving words to yourself. Join a group of soul sisters through the ethers and sometimes in physical form, dedicated to feminine empowerment, and divine feminine shadow work, shedding their stories, their pain, and doing the healing work their souls, ancestral lines, and the collective is calling for. Unlike feminine energy, it gets sh*t done in an efficient and orderly manner. To them, all of your accommodating is coming off as being extra.. The goddess within, the divine feminine, your higher self, is far too large for societal definitions of good and bad. Our shadow side is formed by trying to adapt and conform to societal norms and expectations. Click through to learn the what and how of claiming your power and feminine energy as a woman. Helpful. To bring about a better conclusion than brawling, to be more into the Divine Feminine approaches. We may not know how, we may not succeed right away, but this is the healer's journey. Especially someone prone to people-pleasing. Whether we're aware of it or not, Scorpio season makes us feel things; often, things we've been avoiding. How are you feeling? But first, lets describe what I mean by aggression: If there were a spectrum where one end signifiesaggression, the other end would then signifypassivity. We all need role models, and finding a mature and embodied woman is a powerful way of tuning into the Divine Feminine. Rather than be triggered, you may deliberately engage in shadow work, meaning that you consciously decide to enter the basement and start cleaning. Aggression has always been a conscious choice. Examining your fears, insecurities, weaknesses, shortcomings, emotional traumas, negative thoughts, and desires is the essence of shadow work. An alignment is being made. Thank you so much, just what I needed. I recommend connecting with this part of you through practices such as journaling, drawing/painting, automatic writing, dream work, and mirror work. The Divine Feminine is an energy that we all possess, no matter where we are on the gender spectrum (or lack thereof). :). What's important is that you do the work and do it comfortably for yourself. You're blind to your shadow side because you don't want to see or feel those things. If you'd like to begin creating shifts in your Divine Feminine Energy, do some shadow work. As long as you understand the risks, keep yourself safe, and respect consentyoure not hurting anybody. True power is shown through the mature Divine Masculine acts of mercy, integrity, honesty, and accountability. Our core mission is to empower lost seekers to find the path back to their Souls by guiding them toward clarity, self-acceptance, and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose on the spiritual awakening journey. She has helped me so much to find myself. But for other women, these assertive qualities are something they have to develop. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. It hasnt ripened and is therefore like a wayward, nihilistic teenager still trying to figure out the ropes. Open to anyone who primarily identifies as a woman: WATCH NEXT + DARK SEXUAL ENERGY 101 | Shadow Work, Sexual Liberation \u0026 Sexual Transmutation with the Dark Goddess Feminine Mysteries: The Medicine Woman, the High Priestess, \u0026 the Dark Goddess: Self: Aligning with Soul Purpose \u0026 Rewriting Soul Contracts: Divine Feminine Needs the Divine Masculine, Inside \u0026 Out: Work: Reclaiming Repressed Intuition, Soul Gifts, Psychic Abilities: Manifesting Spiritual Growth with Partners and/or Friends: EVEN MORE FREE STUFF + Get a free hour-long workshop that dives into the 6 Faces of the Divine Feminine: Mother, Lover, Warrior, Medicine Woman, Mystic \u0026 Dark Goddess: the ReWilding for Women Podcast (on all major podcast platforms) for weekly doses of fierce grace, soul wisdom, and wild woman spirituality!Join our Facebook group where we discuss the week's podcast, as well as any other topics that arise around the divine masculine \u0026 feminine, soul wisdom, shadow work, etc! Thanks again for this! Is it possible for a female to embody the Divine Masculine & vice versa as in same sex relationships? Pointing fingers at one gender or group as being responsible for all worlds ills, being less than the other type of energy, and so forth, is infantile. What part of you are you trying to ignore, suppressed, reject? . I have worked with Kali Ma in the past as well and there is no other energy I would turn to when it comes to removing obstacles and illusions. Engaging in shadow work is one of the most profound gifts we can give ourselves. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. But give it enough time, and theyll soon realize that reason why you did everything you didwas because you loved them. You may even like to keep a gratitude journal or if youre into poetry, a place where you write poetry in appreciation of lifes small pleasures. Thank you! Your email address will not be published. Thank you Janni, I tried my best to make this article as balanced as possible in terms of the light/shadow side of the Divine Feminine. Click through to learn 11 ways to practice energy healing on yourself and reclaim the feminine way. Being the object of a persons desire can be a flattering experience while also terrifying when it invites unwanted advances.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'innershadowwork_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_16',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-innershadowwork_com-narrow-sky-2-0'); I also want to point out that society has done a good job ofnormalizingsexual repression.

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